Why and How Does Keto Reduce Inflammation?

Keto Reduce Inflammation

Written by Bill Knowlton


Posted on March 5, 2023


This frequently asked question is a doozy and took quite a bit of research on my part. Iā€™m not talking ā€œGoogleā€ research, I mean peer reviewed medical research. With that said as you read this article, please keep in mind Iā€™m not a doctor or a professional medical researcher. Iā€™m a former reporter that has done his fair share of research, but not on the medical front. But I feel I can break this down in a manner that will answer the question. Why does keto reduce inflammation in the body?

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation by its purest definition is the bodies response to injury or infection. Itā€™s a very natural process where the immune system sends out cells to help repair an injury of fight off a detected infection. But much like anything in the body too much inflammation can lead to some awful side effects like headaches, joint pain, phantom swelling, and chronic pain are just a few.

Recent research has shown links to much more serious side effect pointing to Parkinsonā€™s and Alzheimerā€™s disease. These studies are ongoing, but initial research shows there is a strong possibility that increased inflammation can either trigger these diseases or expediate their progress.

Causes of Too Much Inflammation

The most serious causes are autoimmune diseases. Please let me be clear in saying there is no conclusive research that keto can cure of even help with autoimmune diseases. These are very complicated disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis and Graves Disease. I personally donā€™t feel keto could harm someone dealing with these, but I am not qualified to say it would help in any manner.

Keto Reduce Inflammation
There was a lot of inflammation back in the 350lb days.

Other less serious things that can cause inflammation is food, and this is where keto starts to show its promise. Foods we ingest such as sugar, processed grains, hydronated oils, and processed items do increase inflammation in the body. Notice that nothing on this list is in a true keto diet.

How Does Keto Reduce Inflammation in the Body?

The first point is directly related to foods. Not only do we not take in the inflammatory foods above on keto, but we ingest a laundry list of anti-inflammatory foods. The body fights inflammation by releasing proteins that are a major part of a ketogenic diet. Eggs, natural oils, fatty fish, and spinach are just a few of the foods that reduce inflammation. These are on my grocery list each week.

Another theory that is being tested is the link between ketoā€™s known effect on seizures and using that same principal to help those with inflammation causing chronic pain. Over excited neurons cause seizures, which are very similar to inflammation. The ketogenic diet was developed to help people with seizures back in the 20s to calm those neurons through the food they eat. This was before the use of anticonvulsant drugs.

There is a lot of documented proof that keto works and helps a great deal with seizures. Would this help with inflammation as a lot of people with chronic pain take low dose anticonvulsants? If this treatment works to calm those neurons, food should have the same effect. Initial research is promising and ongoing.

The Downside of the Keto Reduce Inflammation Debate

There are some issues with using keto to reduce inflammation. Like any food treatment doctors noted that for this to work people would need to stick to a strict ketogenic lifestyle. There is also the fact that red meat is a known inflammatory food and keto does tend to have high counts of red meat

The other point is more of a myth with keto, but doctors noted that keto can rob you of some essential nutrients. This would be terrible for people with chronic pain as most key pain indicators will flare. I will completely counter this one though. If you do keto properly you will get more than enough nutrients, and supplements are good cure to fall back on if needed.

Will Keto Reduce Inflammation: My Take

With all the science wrapped up, letā€™s get to my opinion. Personally, from what Iā€™ve read and engrossed myself in I canā€™t see how it would not help. Could it hurt? No. The above points from doctors worried about keto are easily put to the side. Many people do keto without red meat and sticking to a way of eating is a personal decision that people need to make. You can lead a horse to waterā€¦

A couple of points I left out above are other known causes of increased inflammation. Smoking, alcoholism, and chronic stress are things doctors look for first. But there is one that is staring most doctors right in the face when they see patients. OBESITY. I can say with 100% certainty that keto cures obesity. Itā€™s certainly doesnā€™t harm it.


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