Are You Making the Keto Choice?

keto choice

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on June 25, 2023

We live in a time where social media and influence from external sources is at an all time high. When you turn on the TV, look at your computer, or read a newspaper (yes, people still do this), you are bombarded with messages about what’s right/wrong and how to fix you. You’ll see the phrase “you should” a lot. As in to fix this you should, or you should do ______ to help. So are you past the should and on to your keto choice?

Keto Choice Not Keto Should

Nutrition and health information is one of the main culprits of this tactic. You will see time and time again people saying you SHOULD do this diet, or you SHOULD do this exercise, or you SHOULD try this trick to fix whatever it is your looking for.

When it comes to your diet “SHOULD” can’t play into it except when it comes to educating yourself. You will never hear Wendy or myself say you should do keto or keto is the best lifestyle out there. The fact is keto is the best lifestyle for us. It might not be for you. We have firsthand experience on how keto worked for us, and we aim to share that with people who WANT to do keto. We’re not converting people, we’re more preaching to the choir.

This SHOULD mentality in the media is a double edge sword, however. It opens reams of information on every conceivable subject you can imagine. If keto doesn’t work for you there is Carnivore, Paleo, Mediterranean, and literally thousands of combinations of eating styles. If you can look past the sales pitch of, SHOULD, you will find something that works for you.

Making Your Keto Choice With Misinformation

We talk a lot about misinformation and the sheer amount of garbage advice when it comes to nutrition. An eight-hour course on the internet does not make you a qualified nutrition expert. I would argue with the state our nutritional guidelines are in now a four-year university degree doesn’t make you an expert either. I don’t think there can be an expert when it comes to your health other than yourself.

keto choice
Link chooses to be cute.

Our culture continues to perpetuate this idea that people on blogs, social media, or TV have all the answers because they have been given this platform. Wendy and I have a platform, one that is growing daily. That doesn’t make us experts because we created the platform. No matter what happens from here if we speak at conferences, get a booming YouTube channel or write another six books we are not experts. If we claimed we are based on an internet following its smoke and mirrors. We have experience but applied that experience on our own. That does not make us experts in you.

You Are Your Own Expert

I feel the only way you can become an expert is in yourself. I watch and listen to people from all walks of life to gain any knowledge I can. There is an amazing “influencer” on Instagram @millyg_fit that is trying to gain weight to recover from an eating disorder. She chronicles here purposeful weight gain and the struggle for body acceptance in her new outlook. Weight gain is the opposite of my lifestyle, but I have learned so much about acceptance from this person I’ve never met that I consider it a valuable tool in my journey.

I use Milly as an example because 80% of the information she shares with her readers isn’t geared to me, yet I listened and learned from someone on the opposite side of my goals. You can do the same thing. Don’t necessarily look for advice, look for education. Take the bits and pieces that work for you and move forward with them. There is no 100-percent solution from one strategy. Keto is proof of that.

Make The Keto Choice That Works For You

There are so many offshoots of our lifestyle such as clean, dirty, low carb, and so many others. These came about because people found out one solution doesn’t fit every mold. It was adapted. Could I label what kind of keto we do? Not really. It’s different week to week and sometimes day to day. We have learned and grown since our initial voyage into this lifestyle. That knowledge has allowed how we do keto to grow. It’s a very empowering feeling to know and understand my body. To realize my sugar addiction is real and needs to be controlled. To live a better life then I did two-years ago.

So, what SHOULD you do? Learn and get started on your better life! That’s the only time you’ll hear me say should.


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