Do Keto Injections Work?

Keto Injections

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on May 30, 2022

Before we get into the question: Do Keto Injections work I want to share this definition with you. Snake Oil Salesman: charlatans who sell a worthless pseudo-medical remedy promoted as a cure for various illnesses. With that out of the way and my obvious thoughts on keto injections lets break down what they are.

There are various types of keto injections, but most are what they call Lipotropic Injections. They are administered by syringe most often in the upper arm, buttocks, and thigh. The cost ranges from $25 to $50 dollars per shot and it’s recommended to take them every second day. Let’s make one thing clear, these are not extraneous ketones, it’s a mixture of vitamins that claims to aid weight loss.

The injections are made up of various formulas but there are common ingredients found in most of them such as B12, B6, BCAAs, L-Carnitine, and Phentermine. Let’s break those down.


B12 – has been used in conjunction with weight loss in the past with very inconclusive evidence it works over years of study. B12 breaks down various foods we eat into sugar increasing your energy and metabolism. That doesn’t sound very keto to me.

B6 – helps metabolize fat and aids in shedding water retention. That is at least the right wordage for a keto lifestyle. Many people on keto do take a B6 supplement, but once again the science is very inconclusive on if it works.

BCAAs – or Branch-Chained Amino Acids have been used for years to aid in muscle growth and enhance energy during exercise. Back in my weightlifting days I took BCAA supplements, but you can easily find adequate amounts in meat and dairy.

Tessa is a hard no on Keto Injections
Tessa is a hard no on keto injections!

L-Carnitine – is a chemical produced by the brain and liver that helps turn fat into energy. It is important on a ketogenic diet as you are looking to convert more fat than the traditional diet. I personally don’t supplement L-Carnitine, but many people do. 

Phentermine – this is an amphetamine like substance that is often prescribed to help suppress weight loss. Side effects can include increased heart rate, tingling or prickling feeling in hands or feet, dry mouth, sleeplessness, nervousness, constipation. Sounds delightful. 


If we look into the science, Health Line ( states, “Clinical studies on lipotropics and obesity have remained inconclusive.” They noted the side effects are consistent with that of Phentermine above, but can also include incontinence, gastrointestinal upset, and irritability. Makes me want to get jabbed. You?

Keto injections have become quite popular and there is very little antidotal evidence that they are harmful, but there is also very little evidence that they work. Every piece of literature with keto injections says it works when used with a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise. My argument would be if you lead a life that is healthy with diet and exercise you won’t need to get injections by a person that easily fits the definition, we started the article with. Diet and exercise are proven by science to help you lose weight… Wendy and I lost over 220 lbs. with diet and exercise, not a single needle entered our ass.


Cost must be talked about here as well. Its recommend that you take injections every second day for “maximum results.” So, if we average that out to 4 times a week, we are looking at $200.00 a week, multiplied by 52 weeks. That’s $10,400 for the year. Over 10-grand for science that is inconclusive and results that can be achieved for free. 

We talk about how exposing Keto to the mainstream can only help more people, but there are repercussions to that. Snake Oil Salesman are one of those repercussions. Taking innocent people and exposing them to quack science and results that have nothing to do with the product is gross. As a keto community all we can do is ban together and try to help new people get started properly and realize the benefits on their own.

Going into a “clinic” and spending your hard-earned money to get jabbed with an unnecessary needle is just ridiculous. Keto lives and dies by fresh whole food, not foreign chemicals entering your body. If we wanted that we would just go back to eating carbs.

Keto on friends, Bill

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