Married to Keto About Us Bill and Wendy Knowlton

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Married to Keto
We have struggled with our weight our entire lives.  Bill was always the kid with the chubby cheeks.  Wendy was always struggling to be thin like her friends.  When we got together in 1998, we were both on a healthier path and we supported each other.  Then we got comfortable and, well, lazy.
We turned to food throughout our relationship.  When we were sad, we would order from a restaurant and that would make us feel happier.  Stressed?  We would turn to chips and chocolate bars.  Happy?  We would celebrate with a cake.  And, of course, holidays were spread out to weeks, even a month of indulgent treats!
Then, Bill started experiencing health issues.  If he didn’t eat every couple of hours, he felt faint and his heart felt like it was racing.  He ended up in the emergency room and the doctor there diagnosed him with hyperinsulinism.  Very basically (we are so NOT doctors), his pancreas doesn’t recognize when his body has enough insulin so it just keeps producing it when he eats sugars or glucose.  It was damaging his heart.
We had a decision to make.  We could continue on our path of eating what we wanted, when we wanted it.  Bill could take a medication that had nasty side effects.  Or, we could change our habits and go on a low carbohydrate and no sugar diet.  Basically, he would need to go on a keto diet.  This low carb diet would keep his body from having to produce insulin so his pancreas could take a break and there would not be any more damage to his heart.  
You might think that the choice was obvious; change the way we eat and keep Bill healthy.  The fact that it was not an easy choice shows how far down the road to food addiction (particularly to sugar) we were.  The idea that Bill would do the change alone was not an option for us.  We always faced challenges together and we chose to make these changes together.  But, giving up our emotional connection to certain foods was our biggest challenge.  It wasn’t until we were facing a health crisis that we found our motivation to do it.
It was not easy.  We struggled to understand what keto was.  What’s a macro?  How do you keep track of the fat you eat?  How many carbs can you eat in a day and what does that look like?  How do you eat without potatoes, rice or pasta?  It seems overwhelming at first.  Once we got the hang of it, it started to get easier and we started to realize that what we were eating was delicious and we really didn’t miss the other foods.  We have not felt hungry since starting this lifestyle and we never feel we are depriving ourselves.  We still love food but it no longer controls us.
Our goal with this website and our information is to make keto possible for you.  Not everyone will go to keto and we are not doctors who can tell you to eat low carb and high fat.  But if you have found your motivation and think that keto is the way to go for you, we want to help you do it and be successful in your journey.