Are Keto Pills The Latest Diet Scam?

keto pills

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on March 27, 2023

Here’s a promise for you… “Burn fat quickly by taking the popular elements of the keto diet and putting them in pill form. It turns out a miracle weight loss pill has been developed.” Keto pills… my, my, my.

The Keto Pills Promise

This is a direct quote from a “keto diet pill” product. There are hundreds of versions of that very phrase out there for products that claim they can either get you into keto faster or give you the same benefits of a ketogenic diet. I’m not going to name direct companies or products, nor am I talking about exogenous ketones, but I do have some questions about these “diet pills.”

The pill I quoted from above says it will speed up your metabolism, suppress your hunger, and burn fat. That all sounds very familiar. It’s the very thing that will happen if you do keto properly. The funny thing is most of them come with a minor disclaimer that says to get the proper benefits from the product you must stick to a keto diet. Well… if you are doing a proper keto diet and get into ketosis the first thing that will happen to you will be… yep, you guessed it… your metabolism will speed up, your hunger will decrease, and you’ll burn fat.

There is No Real Results To Track

If that’s what happens anyway how in the hell do you gauge the effectiveness of these miracle pills?

Then we get into the ingredients. What’s in these little pockets of goodness that claim everything I’ve been doing for the last two years of my life was a waste of time when all I really had to do was swallow some of these bad boys.

keto pills
Koopa says… “don’t do drugs.”

I will say that by and large they are using natural ingredients and many use exogenous ketones (which I will have a blog on later), but these ingredients are a little fishy in their composition. Over 90% of the ones I looked at had three common things: green tea extract, caffeine, and various other stimulants. So these things are basically speeding up your heart rate in order to possibly burn more calories, but it’s more than likely to actually make you feel like it’s working.

When you look at the other various things crammed into these capsules you will see binders made of fruit peels or tree sap. The ironic part was over half of them had ingredients that would actually contain significant carbs. How keto is that?

Keto Pills are Expensive

These pills are expensive and the cheaper you go the more chemical compounds they have in them. I guess even to pay for what amounts to a scam you have to pay the big bucks for quality ingredients.

I don’t say scam lightly. The definition of a scam is, “a dishonest scheme; a fraud.” Selling something that will naturally happen if you take action and claiming it’s your product doing it seems dishonest, is certainly a scheme, and considering it’s doing nothing that wouldn’t happen already… it’s fraud.

Let’s touch on another point. You will see most of them say they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. That’s great, but very misleading. The ingredients are approved, the claims they make are not checked by either of these Federal bodies. It’s important to know the difference. The government is saying these pills likely won’t kill you, they are not judging its ability to help you lose weight.

You Do You, But Don’t Do Pills

Normally I’m all about “you do you.” In other words whatever works for you on keto that’s what you do, but in this case I’m calling it bullshit. It’s unnecessary money that you could be spending on whole foods to help the quality of your keto diet. Don’t put the work in and have someone else take the credit. There has never been and never will be a magic pill for weight loss. It comes down to motivation, determination, and hardwork. When you are successful raise your head and have no doubt YOU DID IT. Not some snake oil salesmen on Amazon.

Take care my friend. Bill

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