Are You Obsessed with Keto?

Obsessed with Keto

Written by Bill Knowlton


Posted on December 5, 2022


When it comes to frequently asked questions, the one we donā€™t talk about is: Are you Obsessed with Keto? It comes at us from friends, family, readers, acquaintances, or anyone that happens to know we live a keto lifestyle. With that many people coming at us with the question I guess itā€™s time to sit down and ask myself if Iā€™m truly obsessed.

What is Obsession?

The dictionary definition of obsession is a state that will preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent. When I think of obsession I go right to stalkers or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Both are obviously very serious and not taken lightly, but like a lot of words we throw it around in jest to describe someoneā€™s passion.

For instance, I love motorcycles. People in my life will say Iā€™ve become obsessed with them. I do love them, but to say they intrusively invade my mind to a troubling extent would be a stretch and very dramatic. Just because you love something doesnā€™t mean itā€™s an obsession. To say motorcycles are on my mind every minute of the day simply isnā€™t true, its my hobby and people who donā€™t ride wonā€™t get it.

Can You Be Obsessed with Keto?

The answer to that question is obvious. Yes. You can be obsess about anything. According to Vital Work Life people who become obsessed with a hobby or object will begin to allow the thoughts of this subject to interfere with their work and regular life habits. In other words, you will push other things to the side in order to think or act on this subject. These combine with two major actions: 1. You keep doing the action after promising to quit, and 2. You keep doing the action even if it is harming you.

Obsessed with Keto
We are obsessed with cats. How could you not be?

If we take these things over the keto space, itā€™s easy to see that obsession could take place. When learning about keto itā€™s all encompassing. There is a lot to learn in a short time to get your health back. I remember dreaming about it and how I could improve and make my keto experience better.

Did that effect my work? No. Did I keep doing keto after promising to quit? I didnā€™t want to quit. Did I keep doing keto even if it was harming me? Not the case as my life and health have never been better. So, the answer is yes, you could be obsessed, like you could be with anything, but personally we donā€™t fit the definition.

Why Do People Ask If Weā€™re Obsessed with Keto?

I think this question is two-fold. When people donā€™t understand something and see you changing your entire life, they need to explain it to themselves. Instead of asking questions and finding out why we do what we do, they simply go to the word obsessed. Itā€™s much easier to gossip and point fingers than find out the truth. Itā€™s juicer to say, ā€œBill and Wendy obsess about Keto,ā€ than to say, ā€œBill and Wendy are taking their health into their own hands.ā€

The other part of this question is jealousy. The proof is in the pictures. We have lost over 200-pounds combined and that is a major difference for people to comprehend. We have found it makes people feel bad about themselves and they lash out with either the obsession line or the Keto will kill you line that we have covered in detail. Jealousy is a human trait that is toxic and ugly. Iā€™m not spending much time on it here.

How to Handle the Obsessed with Keto Question?

Iā€™m willing to guarantee as you see results on keto you will either be told your obsessed or hear that people are saying it behind your back. Obviously its not a big deal, but on the tough keto days it can be just another thing that pushes you towards that twinkie.

Handle it by being proud of yourself. Youā€™ve taken step that puts the control of your health in your hands. Youā€™ve found something that works to keep your weight, health, and life under control. If people want to call that obsessionā€¦ let them. We can all learn lessons from each other, but negativity from others is not a lesson, but jealousy and lack of education. Thatā€™s not your burden to bear.

Or the simpler edict: An obsession with Keto must be better than an addiction to sugar.


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