Asking for Keto Advice and Not Taking It

keto advice

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on February 19, 2023

As you walk down the path to a healthier you, you’ll encounter many people along the way asking you for keto advice. That’s great and feel free to share your knowledge and experience but you need to be ready for something that will happen time and time again. They won’t take that advice. In fact, in some cases they will mock what you say because the truth about hard work doesn’t sit well with everyone. Let’s talk about how to deal with that.

The Initial Ask for Keto Advice

When people in your life start to see the changes to your health and the weight you lose, they will immediately ask how you did it. When you respond with Keto, you’ll lose about 50% of them there due to the continued misconceptions and myths out there. The other half will stay with you and ask all the normal frequently asked questions about how you do keto.

Questions such as what do you eat? What can’t you eat? They will get into specific foods and move on to how you eat when you’re in a restaurant. Then they start asking personal questions like how much weight you’ve lost, any medical conditions you’ve developed, and then run down the myths of keto to give you a chance to debate them. The issue is the next inevitable question that comes out of their mouth. Is Keto hard?

Is Keto Hard?

This question will sit down another 50% of the people that cross examine you because the truth is keto can be hard. I’ve found in my 2.5-years on keto and owning Married to Keto that people really don’t like the idea of hard work. I would even go as far to say people turn to keto with this misconception that you only eat bacon, and the weight falls off.

keto advice
If they don’t like the advice they can just follow the sign.

The truth is to be successful you need to educate yourself properly to get your body into ketosis while still taking in all the essential nutrients and vitamins needed to keep your body fueled and ready. To do that you have to prep, cook, and plan. That can be difficult for some people, and they truly don’t like that. In most cases people want a magic pill. If that existed, we would all be at our optimal health.

How To Deal with People Not Taking Your Keto Advice

I’ve found that over time I’ve gotten much better at watching people question me and then turn around and either do the opposite or mock me. Really, I don’t lose sleep over it. Where it becomes difficult is when they think they are taking your advice, but really aren’t. For example, let’s say Suzy asks you how keto works. You give her a run down of not taking in sugar and keeping the healthy fat high. All seems good in the world.

The problem is Suzy may come back to you in a month and say, “I’ve done everything you’ve said and haven’t lost a pound.” Suzy almost blames you and says Keto isn’t working. If you dig into that you will find that Suzy spends Saturdays eating a carb rich diet. She justifies that by saying she’s having a cheat day and one treat won’t hurt her. That’s not your fault. You put her on the proper path, and she didn’t educate herself or put the work in.

Why Give Keto Advice?

That is a good question and one I think about quite often. If people aren’t going to listen, why do I bother to spend my time trying to educate? Let’s do some quick math to help with my reasoning. We started at 100% of people that asked you about your lifestyle. When you said keto, we lost half right away. We are down to 50%. Of that another half didn’t want to put in the work. We are down to 25%.

Of that 25% its fair to say at least half of them or more won’t do it properly or quickly give up. So that takes you down to roughly 10%. If 10 people asked you for keto advice you may only be able to help one. But what you’ve done for that one person is life altering.

That’s Why

That one person is why we do this site. That one person is why we write blog after blog and try to help with the education. We truly want one person to feel the benefits we’ve felt. If we accomplish that we’ve done well. So how do you deal with the people that ask for your advice and don’t take it? Think of that one that did.


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