A Fun Keto Take on Greek Walnut Salad

A Fun Keto Take on Greek Walnut Salad

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
My Harmful Obsession with TV Dinners

My Harmful Obsession with TV Dinners

Easy, cheap, and tasty. That’s what drove my obsession with TV Dinners. Long before keto I would buy Hungry-man Dinners, Michelina Bowls, or Swanson Trays 4 for $10.00 and be set for work lunches all week. How could I go wrong? You take a frozen product that won’t go...
A Fun Keto Take on Greek Walnut Salad

How About A Peanut Butter Keto Frosty

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
The Low Down on Truvia Sweetener and Keto

The Low Down on Truvia Sweetener and Keto

Monk Fruit, Stevia, and if you’re a rebel keto’er… Swerve. These are the go to sweeteners online. Monk fruit and stevia because of their all natural ingredients, even though it’s a very extensive process to extract the sweetness from them. Swerve comes into play...
How to Know if Your Local Cafe is Keto?

How to Know if Your Local Cafe is Keto?

You’ll notice from the graphics I have caution tape and the word danger. Let me cut this off before the social media heat starts. Wendy and I fully support you choosing the little guy over the corporate monsters in your life. But there are some dangers and cautions...