Do They Want Me to Fail at Keto?

fail at keto

Written by Bill Knowlton


Posted on January 30, 2023


Anyone that has started the keto lifestyle has heard the naysayers speaking out about how awful it is and the damage it does to your body. You’ve also had people close to you say you can’t maintain it, or the weight will come back. There are cases where they will make fun of you when you change a dish in a restaurant to make it low carb or talk behind your back about how you can’t do it. Why do people want us to fail at keto?

Some Answers to Why People Want Us to Fail at Keto

The obvious one and my go to is jealousy. An issue as old as humanity. They want something you are working to achieve and if they can’t have it, they don’t want you to have it either. It can be egotistical to think that people are judging your lifestyle because they want what you have, but in some cases that is very true.

There is the other alternative to jealousy and that is concern. Maybe these people have read the myths and misconceptions of keto and genuinely think you are going to drop from a heart attack at any given minute. I haven’t found this to be the case, but I guess it could be. Personally, I feel you will sense when someone is being concerned or jealous.

Another Possible Reason They Want You to Fail

Confidence Coach Steve Erray offers another possible reason on his website. According to Erray people want you to fail at something because they are afraid. He says people want you to fail so life won’t change. Erray says they fear that you are changing and that will change something in their life.

That is an interesting perspective. The life coach backs this up saying there are signs people are doing this to you. There is the straight up person that is in your face saying you can’t do it, or the much more damaging people that subtly drop hints that you can’t do it, so you become discouraged or lose hope in the process.

fail at keto
Tessa failed at hiding.

Ways to Deal with People Wanting You to Fail at Keto

In an article titled, “How to Succeed in A Job When People Want You to Fail” the author points to seven things you can do to deal with these people in your lives. The article is about your work life, but we will relate it to your keto lifestyle a little later.

Forbes list says to deal with people wanting you to fail you should:

  • ignore negative vibes
  • keep your enemies close
  • remember what jealousy feels like
  • stay connected to those that support you
  • don’t work harder or longer for them
  • never focus on proving them wrong
  • don’t become a dictator

Adapting These Tools to Your Keto Life

Ignore Negative Vibes – this applies not only to people wanting you to fail, but also life. Cut out the negativity around you and deal with the present. You are making a positive change in your life. Don’t let the “feelings” of others ruin this for you.

Keep Your Enemies Close – don’t ignore the people in your life wishing for you to fail. Isolation breeds contempt and I refuse to give them that much power. I’m not going out for meals together, but I’m certainly cordial and friendly.

Remember What Jealousy Feels Like – we have all felt it. You want something that someone else has. It’s an awful feeling that makes you hollow inside. Some people are better at dealing with that than others. Just remember how bad that person feels about themselves to lash out at you over it.

Stay Connected to Those That Support You – obvious one here. Stay with your cheerleaders. Wendy and I do this together and support each other in everything. When I get around that negativity the first thing, I do is reach out to her. She does the same. The people who truly understand are the ones you want around you.

Don’t Give Them the Power to Make You Fail at Keto

Don’t Work Harder for Them – some would say your using them as motivation, but you are really working to prove them wrong. That one is coming up, but the bottom line is you have a plan in place. Stick to it and don’t let the flapping gums of others make you deviate in one direction or the other.

Don’t Focus on Proving Them Wrong – you didn’t start keto for them. You started it for your own reasons. It wasn’t to prove someone wrong. To be successful at keto you must do it for you. Using someone else as motivation will only last so long and in the end what have you really accomplished?

Don’t Become a Dictator – this is a powerful one. I am guilty of lashing out with facts when people talk bad about keto. My knowledge is my weapon in a place where I don’t really need a weapon. I need to educate or walk away. If people don’t want to know, don’t tell them. All the proof they need is in your actions.

You Won’t Fail at Keto

I think this blog speaks for itself and I’m not going to do a cute wrap up. All I want to say is if you do keto for you and your health you won’t fail. People can say or do what they want, but in the end you’re the one doing the cooking, the prepping, and the life changing. You’ve got this, don’t let failure be an option.


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