How is Keto the Worst Diet

keto is the worst

Written by Bill Knowlton


Posted on January 21, 2024


The U.S. News recently named the Keto diet as the worst diet to undertake. How is keto the worst? Get ready to rant.

Is Keto The Worst? According to “Experts”

This “highly respected” list generated by 27 experts in medicine, nutrition, obesity, and food psychology from all over the United States ranked keto in the bottom half for 37 of 38 stats. The only category that keto did well in was short term weight loss. The list has been around for 12 years and includes all known eating styles such as intermittent fasting, DASH, and Weight Watchers.

Experts cited things such as keto going against everything we know as healthy and stated that people become bored very quickly eating high fat foods, so the diet isn’t sustainable long term. One expert even threw the old clichĂ© out there about any diet that promotes snacking on bacon can’t be taken seriously as a health alternative.

Sex Was Brought Into the Is Keto The Worst Argument

If that criticism wasn’t fatal enough it was then stated that a ketogenic diet can affect your sex drive. This myth has been around for quite some time based on the suppression of the leptin hormone. It’s easy to debunk as our ancestors and modern tribes to this day with high fat protein-based diets have no reports of infertility. Takes two to tango in the pregnancy game.

The diet that was ranked number one was the Mediterranean Diet. Staples of the Mediterranean Diet are things such as olive oil, cheese, and avocados. I’m serious. They stated keto is the worst but named a diet number one that considers these keto faithful’s its top foods. The Mediterranean does have an approach that balances the higher fats with more traditional approaches like whole grains and fruits, but how do you call one the best and one the worst when they have so many similarities? How is keto the worst?

keto is the worst

If cats could show disbelief, this would be it.

The Best Is Just More Of The Same That Led To An Obesity Crisis

I also want to talk about the second “healthiest” diet as described by this list. DASH or dietary approaches to stop hypertension. The experts cited it as easy to follow and very well balanced. If we look at the top foods you can eat on the DASH Diet you go to items such as: whole grains, lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. Sound familiar? It follows very closely the traditional eating habits preached to us as children.

It has a nice, rebranded name to make it seem new, but this advice has been around decades now. The same decades we have managed to push our world into an obesity crisis. Granted it does not allow for pre-packaged, overly produced foods, but you could easily fit its contents into those damn food triangles.

Ranting about this comes down to the age-old issue of propaganda style methods from the nutritional world. Let me be very clear when I say I’m not a conspiracy guy at all. I truly believe that saying something is a conspiracy is an easy way out of finding the truth. Producing a paper that calls keto the unhealthiest diet in America is simply false
 claiming it’s true is not me pointing out a conspiracy, its me pointing out propaganda.

Keto The Worst Paper is Irresponsible

I am in no way a nutritionist or health expert. I am a guy that lost a lot of weight, regained control of my life both mentally and physically, improved my health in all key markers, and want to help people. This is because of a keto lifestyle that I continue to this day. Without it, I would be on the kidney transplant list. Saying that my choice was the unhealthiest is asinine and irresponsible.

Wendy and I understand that keto isn’t for everyone. It can be difficult and is a lot of work, but the results speak for themselves. If you want to undertake a different eating choice that’s great. Whatever can help you regain your life and health I promote and encourage.

Experts should be embracing that as well and instead of doing a “best of” or “worst of” list, they should be using their credentials to show the positive benefits of each diet. Ranking them creates a bias right away. Lists like “Top 10s” or “This or That” can be a lot of fun but doing that with a decision that affects your health seems wrong.

Showing You The List is The Waste of A Link

You’ll notice I haven’t linked back to the actual list. Overall, it holds very few facts that I consider worth your time. Reading it can easily create something in your mind that isn’t real. I don’t know a lot about the other diets on the list, but if I look at the misinformation and stereotypes placed upon the keto diet I can’t in good faith trust the information that is said about the other diets.

I’m disheartened that this list has gained so much traction and continues to hinder our fight to let people make a choice that is healthiest for THEM.

Take care friends. Bill

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