How Much Does Keto Cost You Per Day?

keto cost

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on September 10, 2023

One of the biggest misconceptions we hear time and time again is that keto costs a lot more then a traditional diet. Quite frankly this isn’t true, but until we lay out the numbers people just don’t believe us. So what does keto cost?

Today we are going to do just that. I’m going to breakdown a complete day of eating by cost. I want you to keep in mind these are high end ingredients we are using with three signficant meals and a snack. Most days don’t look like what I’m about to lay out, but I want you to see what you can eat like for less then $10 a day.

Keto Cost: Breakfast – 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, 1 oz of cheese:

Eggs – $0.70

Bacon – $1.29

Cheese – $0.39

TOTAL – $2.38

Lunch – 3 oz chicken breast, 3 tbsp alfredo sauce, asparagus serving:

Chicken – $1.13

Sauce – $0.90

Asparagus – $0.14

TOTAL – $2.17

Keto Cost: Snack – 1 oz pepperoni, 1 oz cheese:

Pepperoni – $0.73

Cheese – $0.39

TOTAL – $1.12

keto cost

Dinner – chicken crust, pizza sauce, cheese, pepperoni:

Chicken Crust – $1.68

Sauce – $0.55

Cheese – $0.60

Pepperoni – $0.73

TOTAL – $3.56

So for the entire day that breaks down to:

Final Keto Cost:

Breakfast: $2.38

Lunch: $2.17

Snack: $1.12

Dinner: $3.56

TOTAL – $9.23

So eating all keto friendly foods that are considered high end such as brand name pepperoni, Rao’s Sauce, and boutique cheeses we still come in under $10.00 a day. I wanted to drive the cost up as much as I could and still struggled to get it above $9.00.

Most days you won’t be eating this much nor will you be eating this combination as leftovers will be in there and you might not want to have snack or such a heavy lunch. There are of course incidentals such as spices and such, but most have those in their kitchen already.

I will admit if your current meal plan is boxed macaroni and cheese everyday you are eating much cheaper then this, but how is that making you feel? We try to break down barriers to keto and realize that cost can be a big one, but as you can see, eating whole foods you cook at home is much cheaper then the traditional diet, and a lot cheaper then take out.

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