Keto and Acne: Cause or Treatment?

keto and acne

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on May 2, 2022

When I started research on this blog on Keto and Acne, I had all my ducks in a row. I started referencing experts and laying out peer reviewed data to back up my arguments. Turns out none of that is really needed in this case because it’s a wide accepted knowledge that keto can in fact help with acne. There are many articles out there that use the words “could” and “may. But unlike most things keto, there is very little information saying it will harm your efforts with acne.

Keto and Acne Studies

Acne has been studied for years and back in the early 1900s it was put forth those diets high in sugar would lead to acne developing. Testing in subsequent years failed to pinpoint exact foods. But a study in 2007 has made a direct link to foods high on the glycemic index and people developing acne.

The study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed 43 “acne-prone” men had significant improvement to their acne when they ate a diet rich in foods low on the glycemic index. Keto food is generally low on the glycemic index as one of its main purposes is to stop insulin spikes. Therefore, it stands to reason a keto diet could help with acne.

A very interesting off-shoot to this study no one is talking about is. Those 43 men also experienced much better insulin regulation and weight loss. The other controlled group that was eating a diet of foods higher on the glycemic index not only experienced zero acne benefits, but also gained weight.

Other Medical Information on Keto and Acne

I’m not one to focus on just one study as it can be warped to how you want it to read, so let’s look at other information. There isn’t much debate in the medical community that keto can help lower inflammation in the body. When your pores become blocked with bacteria your body tries to fight that off with inflammation. When that inflammation and acne mix the lesions get that red and puffy sore look. They can also develop into things such as cysts or boils. I don’t see any down sides to stopping that.

keto and acne
You can tell from this picture back in the day we didn’t start keto because of acne.

I want to be clear the medical data is quite concise in the fact that acne is not directly caused by your diet. “Very Well Health” has a medically reviewed cause of acne that reads. “Acne has three causes: overactive sebaceous (oil) glands, abnormal shedding of dead skin cells, and the fast production (proliferation) of acne-causing bacteria.” These can not be healed by food, but as discussed above can help keep it at bay. This will allow you deal with the root causes. Much like, food may not be the primary cause of a stomach ulcer, but it can certainly help improve it.

Cultural Food Influences on Acne

Another factor to consider is if you look at non-western cultures such as Asian, Indian, or Inuit the documented cases of severe acne are nearly non-existent according to Western societies tend to eat more highly processed carbs as opposed to the traditional whole foods of other cultures. We are doing something wrong in the food department obviously. It would be interesting to be able to look back to 100 years ago before the advent of boxed food to see how bad acne was.

The practical side of this information is… what can it hurt to try? If you have bad acne, is trying a keto diet that far out for you to clear up this condition. A lot of people find it effects their social life and I would bet that is a lot worse then giving up a potato. Even if you don’t want to walk down the keto path, check out foods low on the glycemic index. Give it a try. If you notice an improvement, take that next step.

More Studies Are Needed on Keto and Acne

More controlled studies are needed to find a direct link between food sources and acne. But most of that research money appears to be going into pharmacy or prescriptions cures. With the pharmaceutical industry doing most of the research is benefits their bottom line for people to take a pill for the “cure.” As opposed to watching what they eat.

Take care friends. Bill

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