Keto Style Love and Support

keto style

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on February 14, 2023

First off, happy Valentine’s Day to all our readers out there. It’s a special day for some to celebrate love and those special people in your life that make you smile. With a site named Married to Keto you know right off the bat; Wendy and I are each other’s smile factors. Even after 25-years we are still deeply in love and appreciate anytime we have together no matter what journey we’re on. For today’s blog I would like to touch on how keto style love and support may differ from the traditional Valentine’s Day meanings.

Keto Style Love

Everyone knows I’m a big fan of definitions so let’s look at what the dictionary defines as love. According to Merriam Webster love is a, “strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.” That is a very traditional way of looking at love and can cover someone you’re in a relationship with, a family member, or even a close friend. Or… in my case coffee.

We show love on days like Valentine’s Day with treats, cards, or acts of kindness. Hopefully you do these things every day of the year, but that’s another blog for another day. When it comes to Keto that love may look very different. If you have a family member or partner that is starting keto that strong affection may be giving them space to learn and grow. Maybe hold back on the criticism or negatives that can come with keto. Let them know you love them and want them to do well.

Showing Love if You’re on Keto

If the shoe is on the other foot and you’re the one on keto, you’ll need to display your strong affection by being understanding. Change is hard for people and creates insecurities. Maybe your partner fears you will become healthier and not approve of their lifestyle. Or possibly be looking to change your life so they can move on. Understanding that any action on their part ultimately isn’t about you is the best way to show love in this case.

keto style
The Keto Couple being keto cute! 🙂

Another is accepting the criticism you will hear about keto. They may come at you with all the myths in the world about keto. Accept what they are saying and make sure you educate yourself enough so you can either make you point back in a constructive way or allow them to vent while internally knowing their information simply isn’t true. This is your path, even those you love don’t have the power to change it.

Keto Style Support

If we move on to the support part of this blog let’s fall back on our old friends at Merriam Webster to give us their definition. According to the dictionary support is, “to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for.” Serve as a foundation is my favorite part of this. If you have someone in your life that is starting keto take the time to be that foundation, to prop them up and give them what they need to make the necessary changes.

It’s not as hard as you think. Do some light reading to have some basic education to get any bias out of your mind. Feel free to ask questions, but don’t push an agenda of negativity. They need validation and acceptance first and foremost. It’s not an easy journey they are about to go on. Having someone in their corner will help them get there faster.

Showing Support if You’re on Keto

This one can be trickier. Working to hold someone up that is criticizing you is a tough task for anyone. But something you can do is use the new energy you have to support them in something they are passionate about. Work to learn about something in their lives and prop it up. If you invest in something they want or need than you may get that same support back.

Don’t let their lack of support create conflict in your life. Try to get to the root of it or decide they’re never going to get it and focus on other parts of your relationship. It’s not easy, but your lifestyle change can be separate in many respects. Having someone to bounce ideas off and talk to about keto is ideal. But you may need to look for that outside of your partner’s support.

Keto Style Love and Support Conclusion

The conclusion is easier than you think. This is your journey and your path. If you have someone by your side that is your biggest cheerleader like I do, then you’re a very lucky person. If your special someone does not want to be a part of it there isn’t much you can do about that. Ultimately you must do keto for you. If you’re doing keto for anyone else, then it’s pointless.


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