Bill and I have been together for over 20 years so we are well aware of the key elements to a successful relationship. But for over a year now, the two of us have a new commitment: keto. So, how does our new passion for food impact our relationship? We look at this in a 5-part series of blogs about being Married to Keto. First is Love and Commitment.
First Step: Love and Commitment
The first key element to a successful relationship that the experts discuss is love and commitment. For us, keto was not love at first sight. We looked at keto before we started it. Then we bought a couple of introductory books and decided it was too much work, too drastic of a change for us. We re-committed to just eating better. It wasn’t you, keto, it was us.
Then, Bill had some health issues and we were pushed into action. He was told to go low-carb (i.e. keto), or he would continue to have heart damage. The other options was to take medication that would have serious consequences in the next 10 years. Okay, keto, we’ll give you another shot. The first date didn’t really work out, but let’s try again and see what happens.
The Keto Beginning
It was at this point that we really started doing our research. We started listening to podcasts, watching videos, reading books and watching documentaries. The more we learned, the more we understood and the more we decided we were going to commit.

The beginning was a bit rocky. We had the keto flu, and it was hard to keep going. But then, we started to feel the benefits of keto. We started seeing dramatic weight loss and feeling increased energy. Suddenly, all the work that goes into keto was worth it! We now love and are committed to keto.
Lost But Our Love and Commitment Is Always There
For the two of us, keto came at a time when we were feeling kind of lost. We were confident in our love and commitment to each other, but we were empty nesters who were looking for a new hobby, a new passion. Keto requires planning, prepping, cooking and clean up. We did all of that together including researching why it was working for us together. We shared recipes we found online and made up some of our own. It’s exciting to see the results of our efforts.
We had seen others try keto and fail because it was just so much to learn. It seems overwhelming at first. We talked about that and decided that we wanted to share what we had learned in a user-friendly way. So, we started the website and the blog. I wanted to do a workbook that was more interactive, so we wrote one and it is now on Amazon for sale. Our passion for keto has turned into a side business that we work on together. We have plans for podcasts, more books, and lots more blogging!
Keto Strengthened Our Love and Commitment
Yes, we have love and commitment to each other. We never lost that. But we now spend weekends and evenings together, talking about keto and planning our next steps instead of spending endless hours watching tv. We cook together and prep together instead of playing on our phones. We have a renewed passion for something again that we share and that has given us an outlet for all our energies.