The Battle of the Keto Chocolate Chips

keto chocolate chips

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on October 21, 2022

This blog is going to be sweet, sugar free, but still sweet. Today we are going to examine the two leaders for keto chocolate chips in Lily’s and Krisda brands. We will explore a little history, talk macros, ingredients, and most importantly… the flavor.

Brands of Keto Chocolate Chips

The two brands we are looking at are the leaders in the current market when it comes to no sugar added chocolate and sweeteners. Krisda is a Canadian company owned by Group Krisda – Stevia of Canada. They were founded in Markham Ontario 19 years ago. Their products ranging from the chocolate chips we are looking at today, to many different brands of sweeteners such as stevia and erythritol. Krisda products can be found in all major retailers.

Lily’s Chocolate on the other hand is found in more specialty shops with a large amount of their products found online. Lily’s Chocolate was founded in 2010 after the owner of the company cut out sugar in 2003 and worked for years to find an alternative sweetener. Most of their product’s center around chocolate with anything from chocolate bars to chocolate covered almonds.

Macros in Keto Chocolate Chips

Looking at the macros of Krisda we see a fat count of 4.5 grams per serving. There is 1 gram of protein with a carb count of 9 grams. That is the total carbs. With the subtraction of fiber (5) and 2 sugar alcohols we get to a net carb count of 2 grams.

Lily’s macros are very much in line with this. Per serving we see 5 grams of fat with 1 gram of protein. Carbs are the same at 9 grams and net carbs work out the same at 2 carbs. The only major difference is the fiber count is one less at 4 grams and the sugar alcohol is one higher at 3 grams.

Keto Chocolate Chips
As seen in energy bites and chocolate chip cookies!

With net carbs both being at 2 grams it’s fair to say the macros for the average keto lifestyle are basically the same. There is nothing wrong with 2 grams of carbs per serving when you are normally using these as an ingredient in a larger recipe.

Are the Ingredients Safe?

For the clean keto folks such as myself that worry about ingredients, we have good news from both brands. The sweetener of choice for both is Erythritol with additional stevia. Erythritol which we have spoken about in detail on this site is an ideal choice when it comes to sugar alcohols. It holds a zero on the glycemic index meaning it won’t spike your blood sugar. Erythritol also has the bonus of not causing the stomach upset associated with other sugar alcohols.

Stevia is highly publicized and always the go to when it comes to keto. This all-natural sweetener sets the bar when it comes to all categories. It truly is the king of sweeteners in our space.

Other Ingredients in Keto Chocolate Chips

When it comes to the other ingredients obviously unsweetened chocolate is in there, but the other two of note are Inulin. Inulin is found in most keto products and is basically a fiber. It’s a form of probiotic that helps with bacteria aiding in digestion.  Research has shown Inulin to be safe with only mild stomach upset in high doses.

Everything else found on the ingredient labels is fairly standard and natural including flavoring and vanilla. The formula for both brands must be similar as the ingredient lists mirror each other with no way of knowing exact amounts.

Flavor and Conclusion

Now to the whole point of this review. Which one tastes better? Lily’s or Krisda?

You would think this would be a simple answer based on my preference, but the truth is it depends on the application. For instance, when I have chocolate chip cookies, I prefer the Lily’s. When we do our energy bites, I really like having Krisda.

Reading into that I would say the Lily’s is a better product when baked whereas the Krisda takes the prize when eaten as is. Lily’s also comes across as a little sweeter in the mouth and softer. Krisda has a sharper flavor, and the texture is firmer.

The thing is… the only winner is us. We have two excellent products that will go in anything and just differ enough so they can have different uses. I recommend picking up a package of each and deciding for yourself. That sounds like a fun and tasty challenge to take on. Bill

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