The two-weeks of resetting the keto clock has ended. Since we got back from our trip of overeating and “over drinking,” I’ve worked to get my body back to feeling the way it should. If you would like to read about the process, feel free to check out the last couple of weeks of articles. It was supposed to be a simple two-weeks of cleaning up my eating, but throwing in COVID, intermittent fasting, and sheer laziness made it very interesting.
How I Reset the Keto Clock
Basically, I just wanted to eat strict keto for a couple of weeks to get myself back to how I wanted to feel. While in Mexico we never ate carbs or left ketosis, but we also didn’t do our body any favors with the amount we were eating. Sugar alcohols and alcohols in general were fair game. This left us feeling bloated and not in a healthy place.
I’m happy to say the two-weeks has been successful. But like all good things we learned a few lessons along the way. Today I’m going to wrap up both our lessons and results. Just in case you would like to refocus your keto or start off on the right foot.
I talked about both COVID and IF extensively in last week’s article, but I like to think intermittent fasting during COVID helped me out in the end. I was terribly tired the entire time we were recuperating. Body aches, muscle stiffness, and painful joints were the worst of it for me. It would have been very easy to just lay there and eat my pain away, but I didn’t.

Fasting gave me a focus point with food. From 7pm to 11am I wouldn’t allow myself to eat. Doing that took away the excuse of using food to make myself feel better. I’m very good at justifying anything in my life, especially a need for emotional eating. However, having a focus gave me the ability to look past the emotion and reach a goal.
Issues with the Keto Clock Reset
Other than COVID and IF the only real issues were my sheer laziness to not be properly prepared. That’s right readers, the keto couple didn’t have all their ducks in a row. In fact, the ducks were likely doing meal lists and getting proper groceries… unlike us. When COVID hit, it made the problem worse because we couldn’t even make our way out to make up for our laziness.
Keto Mom Kathy came to the rescue getting us what we needed and even cooking it for us on the worst days. If she hadn’t been by our side, we would have been in trouble. It was a stark reminder that using the phrase, “we will do that tomorrow,” creates a big issue when it comes to a keto lifestyle.
The Main Things We Learned
I say things in the sub-heading, but in reality, it was only one major thing we remembered more than learned. We remembered that our keto food is delicious. We went to an all-inclusive Mexican resort that had tons of options for us. In the end our homemade food is better. It’s very easy to get caught up in the convenience of others cooking and that’s fine, but don’t forget how instrumental your cooking is to your success.
Another thing we learned was it was okay to take a week and live worry free. Like I said, we stayed keto, but we never worried about portion sizes or how much we had to drink. I must be cautious due to my hyperinsulinism to not take in sugar. Other than that, all bets were off, and we had a great time. Guess what… letting our foot off the gas never hurt us in the end.
The Keto Clock Reset Conclusion
Wrapping this up is easy. If you find yourself being a little dirty take the time to clean up and get back to square one. Within days your body will start to feel better. Your self-esteem from knowing you doing the right thing will also improve. I’m glad we went “super strict” and lived to talk about it. After all, “super strict” is the way we “should” be eating all the time.