The Story of Liking A Food Lifestyle

food lifestyles

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on August 1, 2022

Before I get into this rant of sheer anger and frustration let me explain what I mean by “Food Lifestyle.” When I say food lifestyle, I mean the way you chose to live your life when it comes to the food you eat. For instance, I live a keto lifestyle, some are Paleo, others may be Low-Carb, or Carnivore. You could interchange lifestyle with diet, but my utter distaste for the word diet has me refuse to use it. I like the kinder and gentler lifestyle in its place.


This blog breaks down to this very specific incident. I follow multiple Instagram accounts that are a wide spectrum of ideas and interests. From wrestling to keto to homesteaders. I enjoy them all. On this day I was watching a video of a person who was working to gain weight after overcoming an eating disorder. The blog is more about her relationship with food and how she overcomes guilt and anxiety when it comes to eating.

On this day she was eating an ice cream sundae. Her first in many years. She cried and shared that with the world. It warmed my heart to see her overcome such an obstacle. I clicked the little heart and commented on how extraordinary her journey is. I then moved on feeling she is making the world a better place by representing people going through the same ordeal as her.


What happened next is the reason I share this whole story with you. I had two comments directed at Married to Keto that accused us of promoting a lifestyle that was in no way related to keto. They said we were obviously fakes if we “like” people that purposely try to gain weight. The first comment stated we were trying to stir up controversy. The second that rambled on about us not promoting keto really hurt as it said we were rubbing our ability to eat fatty foods in the account holders face.

food lifestyle
Goomba slept through the whole incident

Both comments were delusional in a sense and in no way represent who I, or Wendy is. The fact of the matter is we chose Keto and it worked for us. We don’t view it as better or worse than other lifestyles, we simply see it as the solution for us. We founded Married to Keto to share how we came to that realization and share tips along the way.


When you break it down different food lifestyles may be different but, they all boil down to what my influencer above is going through. Changing your relationship with food. We came to keto out of my health issues, but we had to change our ideals that we needed carbs to survive. We had to realize want versus need. Keto helped us do that.

Chances are if you have turned to a lifestyle that is different than the traditional sugar and carb enriched diet we tend to eat now, your relationship with food is damaged. It might be you are hooked on sugar, overeat, or even under eat. The possibilities of why you are turning to a new way of eating and thinking are endless.

That one thread joins us all together. We are all in a fight to change the way we treat food. Whatever avenue to do this you chose doesn’t change that simple fact. You can sing the praises of keto, paleo, or the other thousand of food styles out there, but in the end, you changed course to fix your way of life and the role food plays in that.


The bow I’m going to put on this is a big “PISS OFF,” to the people that went out of their way to call me a fraud and make me feel bad about my comment. I was going to send a message to the influencer to make sure they weren’t offended, but since they’ve been in the game much longer than me, I decided against it. I hope she understands I was coming from a place of support and find her very inspirational.

When I outlined this blog, I had “toxic social media” in a bullet point as well, but that my keto friends is another topic for another day. I’m writing this on a Sunday so I think I will go enjoy a nice keto treat and coffee. If you’re reading this and about to go enjoy a vegan or carnivore treat, I wish you well and know how genuinely happy I am you have taken control over the food you eat.


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