The Truth about Keto and UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections)

keto and UTIs

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on September 25, 2022

When going through our frequently asked questions we do our best to not get into technical details about medical conditions. Why? Because neither of us are doctors nor scientists. However, occasionally, we get something so outlandish we need to address it. In this case it was more of a statement than question. We had someone ask why we don’t properly warn people that keto causes urinary tract infections. Based on that alone I feel we must give you the truth on keto and UTIs.


As someone that has suffered with a history of urinary tract issues such as infections and kidney stones, I was quite surprised I hadn’t heard of this keto/urinary tract connection in the past. After a quick bit of research, I found it is in fact a long-held belief that eating keto can cause a series of urinary tract infections.

A urinary tract infection or UTI for short is generally caused by bacteria entering the body and infecting one of the parts of the urinary system. That system or tract includes kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Without getting overly medical each part of the tract can experience infection with varying degrees of seriousness from mild discomfort to sepsis and death.

Knowing that UTIs are caused by bacteria automatically puts up red flags that the food you eat would have a hard time causing them. The Mayo Clinic says the following, “UTIs typically occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and begin to spread in the bladder. The urinary system is designed to keep out bacteria. But the defenses sometimes fail. When that happens, bacteria may take hold and grow into a full-blown infection in the urinary tract.”


With the above said, could there be a link to keto and your urinary tract? The fact is there is very little research to support food causing urinary tract infections in any instance. There is research that supports certain diets can help decrease symptoms after you have a UTI, but according to Health Line, “Research on the connection between diet and UTIs is lacking, and diet isn’t currently considered an independent risk factor for UTI development.”

Keto and utis
A nice antioxidant that is keto-friendly can help too!

The research that has been done is based around food that could help prevent urinary issues. The leading study points to a vegetarian diet being a possible winner as the food tends to lower the acidity of the urine. That study was a very small sample and deemed itself inconclusive with more work needed.


It appears the belief that keto causes UTIs comes from the fact that when you start keto you will urinate a lot more. As we have discussed on the site in detail as you switch to ketosis your body no longer needs the water necessary to turn carbs into glucose.

That extra water your body has been storing will flush out through the bladder causing you to make several stops at the loo. One of the common side effects of urinary tract infections is frequent urination. Some how the internet has linked that side effect as a cause. The issue is, by the time you are running to the bathroom repeatedly to pee you’ve already gotten the UTI.


The first fun fact about Keto and UTIs is the diet might help in the prevention of infections. One of the accepted causes of UTIs is sugar in the urine. Sugar promotes bacteria growth so when it enters you body if you have high amounts of sugar, the bacteria will feed off it and worsen. Keto of course is no sugar. No sugar in your mouth means no sugar in your urine.

Another interesting fact is keto has been shown to help with the symptoms of urinary tract infection. This has been shown in a hospital setting for years. This once again comes down to sugar. When people were placed on a ketogenic diet, sugar was eliminated which took away a food source for the bacteria. This combined with the amount of water you are encouraged to take in helps speed up recovery.

The study referred to by Fitness for You says in a controlled setting 5 of 16 people placed on a ketogenic diet needed only the food source to cure their UTI. Others were given the diet in conjunction with antibiotics.


Please know this blog is only to debunk a myth and not health advice. If you have a UTI please consult a doctor immediately. Symptoms can include back pain, frequent urination, fever, chills, etc. This is nothing to fool around with. Leaving the infection untreated can lead to many complications including the ultimate complication… death.

Just know that when you get that UTI treated it wasn’t caused by your ketogenic lifestyle. It was our pesky friend bacteria in the end.


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