Time to Celebrate Jonah Hill’s Weight Loss

Jonah Hill's Weight Loss

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on December 20, 2022

A bit of an unusual Hashtag Tuesday today as we take a look at birthday boy Jonah Hill. The highly successful and popular actor, comedian, and director is celebrating his 39th birthday today. He is living his healthiest lifestyle after a lifestyle change that deserves us to talk about. With that in mind today we celebrate Jonah Hill’s weight loss.

Who Is Jonah Hill?

Jonah Hill is known for such movies as 21 Jump Street, Moneyball, and The Wolf of Wallstreet. Those few films are just a small sampling of his work that has led to Academy Award nominations and multiple other acting awards. Hill has been active in Hollywood since around 2004 bursting on to the scene as a brillant and witty comedian with excellent timing and ability to work with anyone.

Hill is very well known from material available for his nice guy approach and kindness. After years in the game Hill took on more serious roles. He is also an acclaimed director. Jonah Hill had his life in order from all appearances, but one thing was pressing on him that he has since changed dramatically.

Jonah Hill’s Weight Loss

The one thing we didn’t talk about above was the fact that Jonah Hill was painted with what I call the “chubby jolly guy,” label. John Candy and Chris Farley are examples of successful actors that no matter what they did people point to their physical appearance when talking about them. Hill told CBS as a child he was often teased about his weight. He knew to take his acting to the next level he needed to change his lifestyle.

Jonah Hill's Weight Loss
Not to mention his appearance but Hill looks amazing.

Over the course of several years Hill started shedding pounds and says it also helped with depression and how he handled stress. Hill has gone on record saying he wishes people wouldn’t comment on his appearance or weight loss even though he feels they do it with the best of intentions. That made me take pause at doing this article, but in reality his story is important for others taking the path to health.

Why Are We Talking About Jonah Hill’s Weight Loss

So far, I’ve said Hill didn’t want to talk about his weight loss and I will be upfront in saying the information out there is basically gossip and hearsay. Which means we must be talking about him because keto played a big role in the weight coming off… right? Nope. Hill does mention keto but says he only experimented with the lifestyle.

The only real thing Hill shared about how he lost the weight was in an interview with The Mirror where he stated, “I wish there was some crazy thing that I did, like a pill or a genie or something, but I went to see a nutritionist, and he told me what to eat to change my habits and stuff.” Hill only credits a change in diet, starting to exercise, and learning about nutrition as the key components of his weight loss. If that’s the case why is he on a keto blog?

Hill hit on three key things that everyone should follow no matter what food they want to eat: diet, exercise, and education.

Jonah Hill’s Weight Loss with Diet, Exercise, and Education

Most things you read on line about Hill’s weight loss talk about the lack of information about how he did it, but in reality he gave us all we need:

Diet: what food he eats. In this case Hill refers to a diet that relies heavily on Japanese fare such as sushi. He experimented till he found out what worked for him.

Exercise: Hill says he started with 10 pushups a day until he was able to work his way up to 100. Even if you did one, that is one more than you did yesterday.

Education: Hill did the one thing we preach on this site day in and day out. Educated himself. He went out and learned about what he wanted to achieve and how he wanted to do it. There is no easy fix, but it’s much easier when you know what your facing. You will get the best results.

Does This Translate to Keto

Even though Hill didn’t do keto he followed the exact path we recommend to being successful on keto. He changed his diet. If you want to do keto you will cut out carbs, add healthier fats, and have moderate protein levels. Hill started exercising to both help the weight come off and to control stress and anxiety. Both of these are keys to successful keto.

But let me highlight the third thing again. Education. Hill went out and learned. He put in the work and gained the knowledge to find out what worked for him. If your on this site you have started this process. Click around here and learn, grab a keto book at the store and learn, talk to others on keto and learn. The education part is what you need to do to set yourself up for success.

So Happy Birthday Mr. Jonah Hill, and thank you for keeping it simple.


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