Where Are Your Keto Transformation Pics?

keto transformation

Written by Bill Knowlton


Posted on April 25, 2022


Wendy and I are going down a path of sharing our keto knowledge with the world and we are finding out that with that comes certain expectations from our readers. Things such as new content, product reviews, tips, and the strange one for usā€¦ before and after pictures. We get asked a lot, where are you keto transformation pictures?

We Don’t Have a Lot of Keto Transformation Pictures

You will notice when it comes to us we tend to use the same three or four pictures. Thatā€™s not scripted or being deceitful because in reality itā€™s all we have. If you look back at our lives six or seven years ago we have tons of photographs, but as those years wore on we took less and less. It appears that it was a subconscious realization that our weight and health had gotten out of control. It was much easier to ignore it if you didnā€™t have to see it all the time. Out of sight, out of mind.

That explains the lack of recent before pictures, but why donā€™t we have a lot of after weight loss photos? I guess that comes down to either a habit of not taking pictures of ourselves or we havenā€™t really faced how drastically we have changed.

Weight Loss is Still New to Us

I still walk by the mirror and do a double take at my appearance. My mind can not wrap itself around the fact I have gone from a size 52 waist to a 34. The fact that I went from a 3XL shirt down to a medium. None of that seems to compute and I struggle with it.

Keto transformation

The other side is, in my brain for all those years I told myself that losing weight is the be all and end all for confidence. Turns out that is a myth. If anything, the weight loss has made me hyper critical of my appearance. When I look at pictures now I say itā€™s made me look older, or my hair is thinner, or I have loose skin, or my muscular shoulders are goneā€¦ orā€¦ orā€¦ or. The list goes on and on.

Our Keto Transformation and Confidence

So it stands to reason that maybe my confidence is the issue with the lack of photos. Has it gotten better? Yes. Does it need to continue to improve? Of course.

The fact is Wendy and I have chosen to go down a path where we are putting ourselves out there, and in order to get this much needed information out there it seems people want more of ā€œus.ā€ That means pictures, personal stories, and a little more confidence on what we have achieved on our part. I signed up for this and if it pushes me outside of my comfort zone then maybe thatā€™s a good thing.

It’s a Good Thing… Right?

I know in the back of my head the accomplishment of turning my health around and living a better life. That part isnā€™t in doubt for me. What is in doubt is looking at myself in a positive light after so many years of being critical and ashamed of my weight. There is an argument for the pressure placed on us by society and the overarching themes of self confidence, but I can only speak to how I felt then, and even now after the weight is gone, continue to feel.

Itā€™s not an issue of validation, it’s an issue of just not wanting to put myself out there in that way. I was a performer for years and had my picture taken thousands of times, yet I grew more and more uncomfortable with it as my weight ballooned. That isnā€™t a problem of society or bias towards overweight people. Thatā€™s an issue of me dealing with weight gain and letting it destroy my confidence.

I Was Wrong About Our Keto Tranformation

I always thought the solution was losing weight. Newsflash! It wasnā€™t.Ā 

It appears the solution is continuing to work on my body confidence and being able to properly celebrate the wins in my life. Losing 165-pounds and reversing heart damage was a huge accomplishment, but a bigger accomplishment for me personally will be standing in front of that camera with a big smile on my face knowing who I am.

Married to Keto is an information platform for you, but it appears to be a healing platform for me.

Thank you, friends. Bill

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