Why Is It Awkward Ordering Keto Food?

ordering keto food

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on August 20, 2023

There are some awkward moments when you are on keto. Honestly, I’ve always been a bit awkward about food. When I was overweight, I used to feel everyone was judging me when I put anything into my mouth. I thought if I was eating something healthy, they were thinking I was trying to lose weight. If I was eating junk food, I thought they were judging because I was already big. In reality, most people probably didn’t think twice about what I was eating, but I was really self-conscience about it. Fact is, I still feel awkward when ordering keto food.

New Ways To Be Awkward When Ordering Keto Food

Now, there are new ways to feel awkward around how we eat. I hate making changes and asking for substitutions on menu items. I always have. It’s incredibly awkward, especially when they say no. When we first started keto, I used to explain, “I’m low carb” – I never said the word keto for fear of more judgements – and I need to ask… If anything, this made it more awkward. The server, as nice as they were, just didn’t care WHY I wanted to change something. They just wanted to take the order and continue doing their job.

I’ve gotten better at this, but I still feel awkward. There are some times that servers poke fun at us for our requests. Then I just get mad and that turns things more awkward. Really, you shouldn’t have to defend your diet choices. If you do, just don’t return to that restaurant and/or let the manager know what happened and why you won’t be back.

Explaining Keto To All

Explaining why you do keto to people can be awkward, especially if it comes up and you don’t know them well. I always feel like saying, “Well, you see, I was fat, so…” Then they criticize you for making the change to keto. Why? So they feel better about themselves. Or they say, “I could never to that.” You could. You choose not to.

ordering keto food
That much Koopa can be awkward.

People also seem to think that they can ask you about private things when they find out you are keto. When I was pregnant, I was amazed at the questions people would ask me and how they would just touch my stomach. Umm, excuse me, do I know you? Keto is similar. Although they don’t touch me, they do ask very personal questions.

Do you find you’re constipated? Has it impacted your period? Do you have more gas than you used to? Really? Now, if I consider you a friend, that’s okay. I don’t mind sharing information because I have a level of trust with you. If you are someone visiting a friend and keto comes up, I’m not going to share that level of trust with you and I’m not going to tell you if I have more or less gas (it’s less, by the way – I trust my readers).

Taking Your Own Helps Avoid Ordering Keto Food

Finally, there is taking your own food wherever you go. I always feel like I’m saying to friends and family, “I won’t eat your peasant food.” I have a little insulated lunch box I take with me with heavy cream, cheese and pepperoni if I’m going to be gone from home for any length of time. It looks kind of obnoxious.

What we usually do now is suggest a potluck. That way, everyone is bringing something. We take some staples of what we can eat, like broccoli salad (yum) and then we can pick from what others bring too. It’s the best of both worlds. We also usually bring a dessert that’s keto-friendly but we bring enough so everyone can try them. Sometimes it goes over well, sometimes it doesn’t, but at least everyone has choices.

Awkward Happens

Eating any style of diet can be awkward. Whether it’s sensitivities or actual allergies or just choices, people will ask questions and judge. In the end, you have to be confident in your decisions and let people know when they cross your boundaries. Don’t let others impact your health choices!


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