Two Weeks of The OMAD Diet Update

Two Weeks of The OMAD Diet Update

I’m a week into OMAD or One Meal a Day and felt I should give you my OMAD Diet Update, so you know how things are progressing. How I’ve been doing OMAD is by taking in my one meal a day at dinner time, or as us East Coast of Canada folks say it: Supper time. The meal...
Top 10 Keto Gifts For Dad

Top 10 Keto Gifts For Dad

It’s Father’s Day, and we want to celebrate those amazing men in our lives! Now, traditionally, men received ties for Father’s Day, but that was for the times when men wore ties to work. Here are some keto gifts for dad that he will definitely enjoy and appreciate!...
Recipe for Delicious Keto Chicken Shawrama

Recipe for Delicious Keto Chicken Shawrama

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
Eating Keto at barBURRITO

Eating Keto at barBURRITO

We recently had a new fast food option open close to us called barBURRITO. We hadn’t heard of it before, so we did a little research before we decided if we should go or not. Turns out, you can eat keto at barBURRITO. Now we’re excited for the tasting portion! The...
Women on Keto Part 1 – Introduction

Women on Keto Part 1 – Introduction

I know this is going to be a shock to everyone, but here it is; women are different from men. Okay, okay, so this isn’t news. It also isn’t news that women’s hormones are different than men’s hormones. So why is it surprising that women on keto will experience this...