Ranting and Raving About the Word Diet

Ranting and Raving About the Word Diet

I will warn you all in advance. Today’s blog is just a chance for me to rip into people on both sides of the word diet. You may ask how are there two sides to diet? That little word has two distinct meanings and people seem to never walk down the middle on it. Diet...
Eating Keto at Dennys Restaurant

Eating Keto at Dennys Restaurant

While we don’t have a Dennys in Nova Scotia, we have eaten there various times. Unfortunately, a couple of those times were in Niagara Falls in Ontario. The prices were astronomical because, well, it’s Niagara Falls and it caters to tourists. We also ate at one in Las...
A Recipe for Keto Chocolate Mousse

A Recipe for Keto Chocolate Mousse

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
Myth 5 – Your Brain And Carbs

Myth 5 – Your Brain And Carbs

Recently, I wrote a blog of the top 10 keto myths. Once I finished the blog, I realized how much there was to say about each one! So, I decided to break each one down into its own blog. The next one on the list is looking at the brain on keto. Does your brain need...
Eating Keto in Digby Nova Scotia

Eating Keto in Digby Nova Scotia

Eating keto in Digby, Nova Scotia seems very specific. Digby is a small town in Nova Scotia that normally has about 2,000 residents. It’s right on the Bay of Fundy, which boasts the highest tides in the world. But the reason why we are researching eating keto in Digby...