Go Mediterranean now with Keto Greek Salad

Go Mediterranean now with Keto Greek Salad

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
Trying to Find Out: Will Keto Help IBS?

Trying to Find Out: Will Keto Help IBS?

Looking at trends around keto you’ll find it’s being used by people to help with specific medical conditions. You can find reports of people starting keto to aid in anything from Type 2 Diabetes to Lupus. We’re not doctors but it does make for some interesting reading...
Excuses Not to Start Keto

Excuses Not to Start Keto

Every time we see someone for the first time in several years, people comment that we look great.  We reply that we feel great!  They ask how we do it and we tell them we follow keto.  Usually, we then hear about why they could not do keto.  Some...
Is Cooking Keto Cat Meals A Good Idea?

Is Cooking Keto Cat Meals A Good Idea?

We know our #ketocats are spoiled, but they are not cooked meals each day spoiled.  We do have a routine in the mornings when Bill gives the cats their water and food for the day.  Link is especially fond of this routine, and gets us up on weekends to get...