Making a Keto Christmas Dinner

Making a Keto Christmas Dinner

It’s that holiday time of year again, and that can mean headaches for those on keto.  Turkey is actually more keto-friendly than the alternative of chicken as it contains more fat.  But, Christmas dinner is traditionally built around the turkey with sugary...
Keto and Sex – Married to/with Keto

Keto and Sex – Married to/with Keto

Bill and I have been together for over 20 years so we are well aware of the key elements to a successful relationship.  But for over a year now, the two of us have a new commitment: keto.  So, how does our new passion for food impact our relationship?  We look at this...
Time to Change the Canadian Food Guide

Time to Change the Canadian Food Guide

I have known a lot of nutritionists in my lifetime due to my work with poverty reduction organizations, and I truly like most of those I’ve met.  So, this rant is not about individual people.  This rant is about the organization that represents nutritionists...
A Day to Celebrate Cream Cheese Frosting

A Day to Celebrate Cream Cheese Frosting

According to National Today, December 13th is National Cream Cheese Frosting day!  It was created to recognize the importance of dairy in our lives.  Well, if you’re keto, chances are you are a big fan of all things dairy, but especially cream cheese! A...
What is DATEM & Is It Safe?

What is DATEM & Is It Safe?

Each week on Instagram I do infographics that show the ingredients that are in common foods. One of the ingredients I come across again and again is DATEM. Going into today’s blog I had no idea if it was food, a chemical, or filler? So today I will answer two...