Spring Motivations to Stay with Keto

Spring Motivations to Stay with Keto

It’s been a long winter, full of dreary days and cold temperatures. However, days are getting longer and birds are starting to migrate back to our area. It’s March, and that means spring! Mind you, we’ve had more snow so far this month than we have all winter, but...
Do You Have a Keto Obsession?

Do You Have a Keto Obsession?

Before I started keto, I had no idea how much crap I was taking in.  I would wake up in the morning, determined to give up sugar that day.  The next thing I knew, I’d popped a cookie into my mouth.  I didn’t even notice I was doing it.  Then I felt like a failure, and...
Coffee For Caffeine Awareness Month?

Coffee For Caffeine Awareness Month?

The other day, I woke up really late. I usually leave the house at 6:20 am and it was 6:10 when I realized my alarms hadn’t gone off. I raced out of bed, threw on some clothes, and grabbed my lunch that I had thankfully packed the night before. What I didn’t do? Sit...
The Keto Clock Is Officially Reset

The Keto Clock Is Officially Reset

The two-weeks of resetting the keto clock has ended. Since we got back from our trip of overeating and “over drinking,” I’ve worked to get my body back to feeling the way it should. If you would like to read about the process, feel free to check out the last couple of...
The What and How of Insulin Resistance

The What and How of Insulin Resistance

A buzz term in the health and nutrition media right now is insulin resistance. People are pointing to it as a major cause of various diseases and ailments in North America. The issue is, it’s not a buzz word. Insulin Resistance is a serious complication in your body...