Keto Bisquits Like Carbs Used to Make

Keto Bisquits Like Carbs Used to Make

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
Can You Eat Trans Fats on Keto

Can You Eat Trans Fats on Keto

One of the proposed issues with keto is that it raises your cholesterol. What the heck is that? Is higher levels of cholesterol good or bad? Why does keto affect it? Is it true that keto can harm your heart? In this series, we have looked at the basics of cholesterol...
The Facts about Weightloss and Cold Hands

The Facts about Weightloss and Cold Hands

I used to have a cute nickname around our household… the Polar Bear. My ability to never be cold, wear shorts in the harshest of conditions, and always criticize how high the heat was in the house inspired all kinds of polar bear themed gifts and memes from friends....
Every Woman Counts – IWP Celebrations

Every Woman Counts – IWP Celebrations

It’s International Women’s Day (IWD)! Honestly, I had no idea this day existed until I worked at a women’s resource centre. But once you learn it, you can’t “unlearn” it. This day started in the early 1900’s, fueled by women’s frustration of being second class...
Plants on Keto Celebrates Plant Power Day

Plants on Keto Celebrates Plant Power Day

It’s Plant Power Day today. Plants have a lot of jobs in our lives – pretty ones make us happy, the first blossoms are signs of spring, and plants are an important part of our diet. Okay, carnivores might disagree, but most of us think this is true. But can you...