Wendy’s Struggle with Keto Perfection

Wendy’s Struggle with Keto Perfection

I am a perfectionist in many things, and keto is no exception. Now, some people think perfectionism is a good thing. Spoiler alert, it isn’t. I’ve been listening to the podcast Unf*ck Your Brain and the host, Kara Loewentheil, talked about what being a perfectionist...
Our Go To Top 10 Keto Snacks Right Now

Our Go To Top 10 Keto Snacks Right Now

Now, I know that we preach against prepackaged keto snacks but sometimes you just need the convenience.  I will say that the United States seems to have more available than here in Canada.  I’m very jealous.  But these are available in Canada, so they should be...
Strawberry Chaffles Are A Dream Come True

Strawberry Chaffles Are A Dream Come True

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
Is Cane Sugar A Healthier Choice?

Is Cane Sugar A Healthier Choice?

If you’ve read our blogs, you know I have a personal beef with sugar. Added sugar was once my crutch in life. When stressed, I turned to chocolate. If I celebrated something, I turned to cake. And when bored, I baked sweet stuff. It’s so addictive! And here’s my other...
The Connection Between Keto and PCOS

The Connection Between Keto and PCOS

PCOS stands for polycystic ovary syndrome. It happens when cysts develop along the outer edge of a woman’s ovaries. It is physically painful. PCOS is also mentally painful, as women often have a hard time getting pregnant. So what does this have to do with keto? Some...