How to Eat Keto in London England

How to Eat Keto in London England

One of our fastest growing readership is London, England.  More and more Brits are trying keto as a way to get healthy.  I have always wanted to go to London, as I’m a huge, nerdy history buff.  So, here is a blog that has long been on my to-do list...
What Are The Top 10 Fruits on Keto

What Are The Top 10 Fruits on Keto

Wait, I thought you couldn’t eat fruit on keto?  Most fruit is naturally filled with sugars and therefore has a lot of carbs.  But, you can still have a little fruit and stick within a 20 grams of carbs day.  I’ve done a top 10 fruits on keto for you and they are all...
Live a Little with Chocolate Chaffles

Live a Little with Chocolate Chaffles

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
How Bad Can Added Sugar Be?

How Bad Can Added Sugar Be?

If you’ve read our blogs, you know I have a personal beef with sugar. Added sugar was once my crutch in life. When stressed, I turned to chocolate. If I celebrated something, I turned to cake. And when bored, I baked sweet stuff. It’s so addictive! And here’s my other...
Can Keto Help with Fibroids?

Can Keto Help with Fibroids?

I did a blog a couple of weeks ago on PCOS and it got me thinking about fibroids (another complication of the uterus). Fibroids are growths that happen in a woman’s uterus. They are not cancerous, and often we don’t even know we have them if they don’t cause any...