Thanks Keto. I’m a Now A Medium

Thanks Keto. I’m a Now A Medium

I have said it before and I will say it again; I love shopping for clothes.  Love, love, love going to the stores to find articles of clothing that speak to me.  Mostly, I love going in with a budget and getting as many things as I can for that amount of money.  Yes,...
Far too Good to be Keto: Parmesan Chicken

Far too Good to be Keto: Parmesan Chicken

Saturday or “Caturday” as we call it in our house is a good chance to decompress, spend some time with the kitties, do a little prep and get ready for the week ahead with a new keto recipe. We tend to do a meal we are familiar with that is quick and easy so we have...
Keto ABC’s – M is for Macros on Keto

Keto ABC’s – M is for Macros on Keto

What’s the first thing we learn as children?  Our ABC’s.  So, we thought it would be a fun idea to do the ABC’s of keto!  This blog series looks at some of the main ideas and the not-so-main ideas of keto as we work our way through the alphabet. ...
Organic Keto Food versus Farm to Table

Organic Keto Food versus Farm to Table

Our new magazine is out on Amazon, and it’s all about farm to table keto.  Now, you may think that means all the food we discuss is organic.  Actually, farm to table and organic keto food are very different things.  How can that be?  We’ll give you a little taste of...
It’s Hard to Eat Keto at KFC

It’s Hard to Eat Keto at KFC

One of my mother-in-law’s favorite meal was KFC before she started keto.  So, just for fun, I decided to check and see what their numbers were like.  I have to admit, it was not as bad as I thought.  Not good, but not what I thought.  Obviously, we are just looking at...