One of the major benefits for me starting out with keto was that I got to eat lots and lots of dairy. I am a big fan of cheese, cream, and sour cream. Dairy is a great way to up your fat. An ounce of cheese has 10 grams of fat and 1 gram of carbs in it. Cream cheese is a staple in so many of our recipes and it adds 10 grams of fat and 2 grams of carbs from an ounce. It makes things creamier, thicker and it tastes so good. But what happens if you can’t eat dairy? Here are some dairy-free keto ideas to get you started.
Why People Need Dairy-Free Keto
People don’t eat dairy for several reasons. First of all, there are many people who are lactose intolerant. When they eat dairy foods, they may get bloated or get stomach cramps and pain. They may get embarrassing gas or even feel nauseous. Your body is just unable to digest the lactose that is present in dairy products. Many people can take in a bit of lactose without symptoms, but finding that line can be painful and humiliating if you are around other people. Usually people with an intolerance just stay away from the possibilities.
Other people have ethical issues around the dairy industry. Cows are bred to have calves so they will produce milk. The calves are then taken from the mother so we can use the milk. This is seen as unethical and inhumane, as the cows call for their babies. Wow, okay, so that makes me want to cry.
That being said, at least here in Canada, dairy cows are treated very well. They are not given unnecessary antibiotics to make them produce more milk. Happy cows produce more milk, so they are given the best that is available and they are milked regularly to ensure they are not in discomfort. That being said, it is up to the individual person and their ethics. It is certainly your choice as to whether you use dairy or not.
Substitutions Available
For those who have a sensitivity to lactose, there are a few different substitutions available. There are butter alternatives, such as Lactantia, which do not have lactose. There is also lactose-free cream cheese, ice cream, and cheeses. When I took a look around our local grocery store, there were a lot more alternatives than I had thought. It’s becoming more and more accessible for people, even for us here in rural Nova Scotia. Try these alternatives out in the regular keto recipes, and tweak them to make them your own.

Other Options for Dairy-Free Keto
People who are unable or unwilling to eat dairy often turn to coconut on keto. You have coconut cream and coconut oil which are available everywhere. They are high in fat and low in carbs, and some would say they are even better than dairy options. Personally, I would not be one of those people, as I hate the taste of coconut. Good thing I am not lactose intolerant!
Avocados are also a great substitute for cheese. They give the creamier texture and they taste great. You can also get avocado oil for cooking. Keto people eat a lot of avocados, and they are pretty ideal for the lifestyle.
There is also ghee that can be used as butter. Ghee is dairy-based, so if you are not eating it due to ethical reasons, it is still a part of that industry. But it has the lactose processed out of it, so it shouldn’t give you the negative effects of dairy foods.
Ideas for Dairy-Free Keto Meals
As mentioned above, you can substitute lactose-free products for the cheese and cream cheese that are in keto recipes. I haven’t personally tried them, but I’m sure if you do a little research, there will be tips and tricks online on how to make them taste like the lactose-filled options. We have a few recipes that are tried and true favourites and they are dairy-free. Take a look online for a recipe that sounds good to you, and stay tuned for our own recipe book that will be coming out soon. Here is a sampling of where you can start.
- Chicken shawarma (using Mr. Tortilla as the shell)
- Chicken wings
- Chili (leave off the shredded cheese on top)
- Egg roll in a bowl
- Pulled pork
- Ribs
- Spaghetti using zucchini noodles
Final Thoughts
For those struggling with lactose intolerance, I get it. I was sensitive to gluten and didn’t realize it until I gave it up. The very real symptoms are embarrassing and put a damper on dinner parties and hanging out with friends. For those who are struggling with the ethics of using an animal for our sustenance, I understand that too. I was a vegetarian for years because I struggled with that concept. Honestly, I still struggle with it, but I’ve found ways to make it easier on my conscience – like getting meat from local farmers who I know treat their animals well. Or, I look for the certified humane symbol on the meats that I buy.
Just know that there are options out there if dairy is not for you – for whatever reason. Don’t think that keto is unavailable to you because we eat a lot of cheese. If you want to live this lifestyle, you can make it work.