Recently, I wrote a blog of the top 10 keto myths. Once I finished the blog, I realized how much there was to say about each one! So, I decided to break each one down into its own blog. The next one on the list is that keto people live on bacon.
I’ve lost track of how many people ask, “You’re on keto? How much bacon do you go through?” Okay, okay, yes. Bacon is a good source of protein and fat. But, like everything, you need to eat it in moderation. You can’t eat it for breakfast, lunch, and supper and still be healthy. Not to mention that even bacon can become tiresome after a while.
Breakfast Options for Keto People who Don’t Want to Live on Bacon
Full disclosure, I do tend to eat a strip of bacon with breakfast. It’s so easy. We just cook bacon on the weekend and then you have it to heat in the microwave all week. But, we also switch it up occasionally with a breakfast sausage. As long as we get in a protein, to help us stay full until lunch.
One of my favourite breakfast foods is a cheesy biscuit. The base is cream cheese and cheddar cheese. It uses almond flour as well. We put it in the microwave for a few seconds with our protein, and then slather it with butter. It’s so good!

One of my new go-to breakfast foods is the blueberry biscuit. It’s made from sour cream and almond flour, and, of course, blueberries. We use frozen blueberries and they are slightly sweet. Again, we slice them in two, stick them in the microwave for a few seconds, and slather them with butter. These are almost worth getting out of bed for in the morning!
On the weekends, we have a tradition of making blueberry chaffles. What is a chaffle? It is a mixture of eggs, cream cheese, and a little almond flour that gets cooked in a waffle iron. We put some blueberries on top of the and then add whipped cream (with just a little sweetener in it). When we were on vacation, we ate these every morning for an entire week!
Lunch Ideas with No Bacon
Bill and I usually have leftovers for lunch from the night before. We make enough at dinner to take with us for lunch. This accomplishes two purposes – it’s not much more work and we look forward to a delicious lunch meal. If we don’t have leftovers, we can take pepperoni and cheese with us. It’s kind of the keto version of peanut butter and jam sandwiches. A go-to if you don’t have much time or imagination in the mornings. We also enjoy using Mr. Tortilla wraps and putting some mayonnaise and sliced roast beef in them. Quick, easy, and yummy.
Dinner Ideas for Keto People who Don’t Want to Live on Bacon
While breakfast for dinner is always an option, there are also dinners that have not a strip of bacon in sight. You can have any number of meat and vegetable options. Pork, steak, and chicken are all good options. You can add sides such as a Caesar salad (no croutons), raw vegetables with a dressing to dip in, or steamed vegetables with butter. We have tons of recipes for casseroles that use an egg and cheese topping to bring it all together.
Do Keto People Actually Live on Bacon?
There are days that we don’t eat any bacon at all. However, we do (in all honesty) always have bacon cooked and in the fridge for easy access. We can grab a slice if we are hungry and need a snack, or we can warm it up and have it with the rest of our breakfast. And truly, a lot of casseroles are better with bacon.
To cook our bacon, we either use our air fryer, or we cook it in the oven. We put down some tinfoil on a cookie sheet pan and separate the bacon out on it. It goes in a preheated oven at 475 F. About 7 minutes in, we turn it. Once it is done, we put the cooked bacon on paper towel and then into a container that can be closed and put in the fridge. The tinfoil goes in the garbage and the pan gets washed. Easy, simple, and a pretty clean process. No fuss, no muss.
With all this bacon, is our cholesterol through the roof? Nope. Like I said, we only have about one strip a day, at most. But, my cholesterol levels were perfectly normal when I had my last check up (about 6 months ago). Bacon isn’t nearly as hard on your system when you’re not eating a bunch of processed crap with it. Personally, I believe it’s not the bacon – it’s the sodium and sugar in the processed food that is the main culprit for most high cholesterol levels. But, that’s another blog for another time…