Jumping on the Keto Trend

keto trend

Written by Bill Knowlton

Posted on October 3, 2022

It doesn’t take long watching the news or browsing the aisle of a grocery store to realize the popularity of keto is growing. All corners of the world are seeing a huge increase in both people choosing the lifestyle and products being produced. It’s a growing keto trend.


For me personally I decided to dive into this blog because of the number of products I’m seeing in grocery stores that I didn’t see two and a half years ago when I started keto. Anything from keto crackers to keto gum is now being marketed specifically to people like us to make our lives easier. According to Bolst Global the growth of the keto industry is staggering.

Currently the keto product industry is valued at close to 10 billion dollars worldwide. It’s estimated that by 2027 we will see that number grow to 16 billion. Growth of 6 billion in five years is in fact staggering. The sales of cookbooks, online subscriptions, and merchandise are a part of the equation but not the biggest growth tool. Food as I mentioned above is by far the leading sales driver.


If the keto industry is blowing up for sales it stands to reason, there must be an increase in users. That reason stands up. There is a massive increase in people turning to keto for both health reasons and weight loss.

It’s estimated 13 million Americans are using the keto diet in 2022. It’s expected that user count will increase by as much as 7% a year. Imagine that… by 2025 we will have close to 16 million people, just in America living our lifestyle. Numbers for Canada and Mexico are far too small of a sample to get accurate numbers, but it’s possible with just these three countries we could have 25 million people eating keto.

keto trend
Sometimes Koopa just finds us weird.


The impressive part is experts in both economics and global trends don’t see a downturn anytime soon. None of the key indicators of a “keto recession” are popping up. Google searches for the subject continue to grow with over 25 million a month. Products sales are spiking as we have already covered, and mainstream mentions in news and TV shows continues to grow.

My thought is we will see these numbers grow larger than projected in the short term as the “representation matters” approach will kick in. When you see beloved celebrities gushing about keto and its benefits its proven to draw people in. Brand ambassadors are a real marketing tool and keto’s real-life effects coming from the famous will only bring more people in.


The downside of this growth is the human nature to make a buck off something. These products we have been talking about are both a blessing and a curse. The ease of being able to pop into the store for a treat is great, but are they really keto?

Most are filled with preservatives and sweeteners that clean keto users stay away from. One of the corner stones of a ketogenic diet are real, whole foods. Anything that can sit on a shelf for years and not spoil is in no way “real,” or whole.

Another downside is the miseducation that comes with people trying to make a buck. People are peddling keto as a get skinny quick scheme and don’t give folks the pros and cons. Custom plans that claim you can eat anything you want and live on bacon are prime examples. Don’t be fooled by these claims of the “perfect” keto diet.


The upside is simple and great for us living this lifestyle. The more information that is available means the more keto will become mainstream. It means that going into a restaurant and asking for no bun won’t lead to a 10-minute conversation about the trials and tribulations of keto. It will mean you can just get your food like a normal person.

The other good thing is the industry keto has created. We have local bakeries that are thriving by making keto meals and treats. These shops employ people and often provide real ingredient food that fits anyone’s macros. Any place I can do where they don’t question my diet is a win.

Basically folks, keto is on a roll. Let’s keep it going.


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