Remember a couple of weeks ago when it was No Excuses Day, and we posted a blog about finding your motivation and doing keto? Well, since then, it seems like I’ve had nothing but excuses! We are still doing keto as best we can, although it would be considered more dirty keto, but honestly, the two week series of working out every day has gone off the rails. Here is my update on exercising on keto.
Our Life Lately
The last couple of weeks have not been easy. As you would have seen on our social media, we recently lost our #ketocat Tessa. As our senior kitty at 18 years of age, she ran the house with an iron paw and losing her was devastating for all of us. When we decided to do this blog, we decided to share a little of ourselves with all of you. The cats are central to our family, and that’s why we share their antics with you.
Our regular work lives have not gotten any lighter. We recently had a hurricane in Nova Scotia, and Bill worked many days and nights until things got up and running again. My work is amazing, but always hectic – some days more than others, and I now have an hour commute to and from that job.
And, finally, we have many changes in our extended family. It’s not about Bill or me, so I won’t share it here, but it hasn’t been an easy time. So, all in all, it’s been a lot in the last few weeks!
My Plan for Exercising on Keto
I had good plans to do a home workout every morning. I have the exercises planned and the yoga mat in the bedroom, so I’m ready to go. Except, I haven’t been sleeping due to all the factors listed above. I get up at 5:30 am every morning as it is to get to work on time. Well, honestly, I get to work a half hour early, but to me that’s on time. So, without a good amount of sleep under me, I’ve been pressing snooze rather than getting my butt up to exercise.
Then, I thought about exercising as soon as I got home. Good plan, but now that it takes me an hour to get home, Bill is usually on his way by the time I get here, and I start cooking dinner. It’s important to get back to cooking instead of constantly eating out. That takes priority. By the time we eat, and spend a little time together, it’s time for bed.

My Motivation for Exercising on Keto
My motivation was not to lose more weight, but to increase my energy levels a little and hopefully tighten up my skin a little. I also have been noticing more fat around my stomach area, which is very common for a woman in menopause, but not ideal. My goal is to wear a bikini when we go on a trip down south this winter. I have the bikini, I just need the confidence to wear it!
The End Result
Here’s the thing – my motivations for this are all superficial. It’s not central to my health, although it would improve it somewhat. It’s totally an appearance based goal. I want to feel more confident and, as an almost 50 year old woman when I go down south, rock a bikini for the first time in my life.
So, I’m going to postpone this series for a little bit until things calm down. Every single morning, I struggle to find the energy to get up and do the exercising. Usually, that’s just a part of your willpower. And, I will get there. It’s never easy for me to choose getting up over an extra few minutes of sleep – I like sleep.
Right now, I need all the sleep I can get. That’s not a lack of willpower, that’s an honest look at my life at the moment. So, do I feel like I’ve let you all down on this journey? A little bit, but I also have to take care of myself. I need to focus on what I can control, such as cooking and prepping our food, with the little energy I have.