I heard a podcast the other day that tugged on my heartstrings. Dr. Karl Goldkamp (podcast 193) talked about how he lost a friend to COVID. The friend was obese and he had many risk factors that make COVID a deathly illness. Dr. Goldkamp, who is a keto champion, wondered if there was more he could have done to lead his friend to a healthier lifestyle. So can we provided keto motivation for everyone?
People are Interested in Keto Motivation
I have found that many people are interested in the keto life. They ask questions, they make judgements, and they make a lot of assumptions. But it’s only if they are ready to change that they actually feel motivated to eat healthy fats and cut out carbs. Dr. Goldkamp said that he had talked to his friend about keto, but he continued to eat an unhealthy lifestyle and just not take care of himself. The results were tragic. But, can you do anything to push people towards a healthier lifestyle? I don’t think so.
You can encourage when people consider keto. You can let them know that they are worth the change. Or, you can be a motivation just by doing what you’re doing. But you can’t make the change for them. They have to find their own source of motivation.
Keto Motivation is Not Enough
I’m going to say something that may be controversial. I believe that losing weight is not a big enough motivator to make a life change. We’ve spent 40 years wanting to lose weight. I even did it for a little while. But it wasn’t enough to keep a lifestyle that promoted weight loss. It wasn’t until Bill’s health was on the line that I was motivated to make a change and keep with it. The motivation to lose weight was fine for a few months, but I would have a little success and then slide back into my old habits. I had to dig deeper than “losing weight” as a motivator.

Changing to a healthier lifestyle takes hard work and dedication. Dr. Goldkamp talks about how it requires a greater awareness. You need to be aware of what you are putting in your body. Be aware of the pesticides and hormones you are ingesting. Be aware of your sensitivities. Aware of your portion sizes. Be aware of how much processed foods you are eating. Know your health needs to take as much time in your life as things like investments, your career and your relationships. It is said that if you don’t have your health, you have nothing, and that is kind of cliché but it is very true.
The Best Keto Motivation Is… It Works
The reason keto worked for me (and continues to work for me) is that I feel comfortable with it. Yes, it’s a lot of work. However, I don’t feel hungry all the time. We enjoy the foods we eat and they keep me full until it is time for the next meal. I don’t feel deprived. It’s a lifestyle I can keep doing because I enjoy it.
The other ways I tried to lose weight, including going to dieticians, taught me to eat smaller portions and change what I was eating. Well, I didn’t like the food and I was hungry all the time, so the smaller portions started to slowly increase until I was right back where I started. It just didn’t work for me.
Keto is not for everyone. Some people lose weight using traditional methods. Other people find success by joining support groups. Some people lose weight on Atkins or the Mediterranean diet, or some other way of eating. Whatever works for you is great. The one thing they all have in common is being aware of what you are putting in your body.
Respect Yourself and Your Health
Dr. GoldKamp finishes off his podcast with the thought that we are given one life and we need to appreciate and respect that life. That means being as healthy as we can be. Keto is not a fad diet – it is a way of eating that can lead people to health. Respect yourself and your health. Hopefully this will motivate your loved ones to live a long, healthy life.