I came across an article from Global News that asked the question – what is keto crotch. Umm, eww. Seems a little crass from a news organization, but apparently it’s a frequently asked question, so we’ll address it. I’m not one to shy away from controversy, so here we go.
What is Keto Crotch?
I like to think I’m a pretty smart chicken, so I looked up the term on a medical site, not a headline-catching click bait site. No offense, Global. Medical News Today says that keto crotch refers to a vaginal discharge and the odor that goes along with it. Most medical professionals think it is actually bacterial vaginosis (BV), rather than a side effect of the keto diet on its own. Whatever it is, it sounds nasty and embarrassing!
Of course, this lovely symptom is just for women. BV shows up as a thin, vaginal discharge (either white or gray), and a strong, fishy odor. It can also lead to burning, itching or pain around the vagina and a burning feeling while urinating. Sound like fun, ladies.
Does Keto Cause It?
Again, there is very little research on this. According to studies, a diet that is high in fat and low in healthy carbs and fiber can mess with the bacteria and pH levels in our sensitive regions. The high fat diet can lead to an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. BV can also come from having unprotected sex, and from overuse of douching.

Is Keto Crotch Dangerous?
Many times, our bodies readjust our bacteria and pH levels naturally. We are naturally gifted that way. Other times, if it lasts for a while, you may need to go to the doctor and get some antibiotics prescribed. Also, if this comes on very suddenly, you may want to seek out professional advice.
Is Keto Crotch the Same as Yeast Infections?
Nope, but they have many similar symptoms. BV is an overgrowth of harmful bacteria. Yeast infections are from an overgrowth of fungus. The discharge is thick and doesn’t have an odor. But, it can cause redness and inflammation around the vagina and burn while urinating. I’ve had yeast infections – they are awful!
Can Keto Cause Yeast Infections?
Most research doesn’t think so. In fact, some doctors are recommending the keto diet to assist with yeast infections if they are happening often. The fungus causing yeast infections (candida) thrives and grows with sugar and glucose. Since we keto people don’t take in sugar and we have very low levels of carbs, it may help reduce the number of yeast infections a woman has to endure.
A Final Thought of Keto Crotch
Okay, can we please stop calling it that? Seriously, we wouldn’t be calling it a “putrid package” if it was an issue for men. From what I read, It seems like it can be an issue for women. It hasn’t been an issue for me, and I’m extremely grateful for that. If it is an issue, talk to a health professional about ways you can rebalance your bacterial and pH levels. There may be some natural fixes.
And, if it comes down to it, you may need to decide if the benefits of keto are worth it. But, the main thing is not to just ignore it. As woman, we often feel shame around our bodies, especially when they aren’t acting like they should. Don’t be embarrassed – apparently this is a well-known thing. Go get some advice and get it fixed!