There seems to be this ideal in the ketogenic world that anyone that is starting keto must make the drastic switch to “train” their body to go into ketosis as soon as possible. Of course they are told to combine that with only eating whole foods from farm animals that have lived a stress free lifestyle of beauty and meat massages.
You then are supposed to accept these changes with a smile. Thank your teachers for all the work they put in. Then completely disregarding what you just went through to get yourself on a path to health. We fell for all of that and it just bogged us down in unnecessary research and expensive foods that weren’t really needed to get started.
What You Could, Should and Must Do When Starting Keto
With that in mind I wanted to do today’s blog on what I feel you could do to get started on keto, what you should do to get started on keto and what you must do to get started on keto.
- You could go out and buy an expensive program or several books on the subject, take months to read them and watch your health continue to decline;
- Could buy things like grass fed only beef that leave you feeling sick due to the fact that you just spent twice what you normally do on meat. I will agree the product is better, but it’s certainly not necessary.
- You could buy a premium membership to some tracking program that obsessively tracks every macro you put in your body;
- You could stop eating out in all instances and shun your friends because you decided to take control of your life;
- Could buy expensive ketone testers;
- You could buy a lot of “keto” branded products that turn out to be just as chemically awful as a gummy bear;
- You could buy into the hype that keto is easy and a quick path to weight loss.
When Starting Keto You Should
- Should pick a couple of resources online (I personally like this cute couple on Married to Keto… lol). Use these resources to help get you started, but don’t get bogged down. Just use them for inspiration on what to eat that first month or for practical advice:
- You should keep your grocery budget in the same realm it currently is. You can do this by buying standard grocery store meats and whole food veggies. In fact meat can be cheaper as you will tend to be buying fatter cuts of meat;
- You should get some form of tracking carbs. It can be one of the free apps like My Fitness Pal or a simple pen and paper worked for us;
Keep Living
- Should continue to eat out with friends, but research before you go out so you know what you can eat. Losing that social aspect is something that will leave you feeling alone on a journey that can at times already be lonely;
- You should ignore ketone testing. Testing ketones is a waste of time, if you’re eating 20 net carbs a day or less, you’ll be fine;
- You should avoid… I said AVOID keto branded products. These things are filled with chemicals and have so many sugar alcohols you will have a hard time getting rid of the sugar cravings as you transition out of a traditional diet;
- You should ignore and rebel against the notion that keto is easy and quick. A keto lifestyle is an investment in yourself that takes time and dedication. Anyone that says it’s “easy” is wrong.

Koopa is hiding till I tell you the Keto must!
What You Must Do When Starting Keto
GET STARTED – stop whatever you are doing and get started. It’s time. The research will come as you begin. Put down the bread, pasta, and carb soaked products. Get a piece of meat and some veggies. Get off sugar… IMMEDIATELY.
I swear the MUST DO is all you really need to accomplish to get started… and getting started is truly the key. The rest will come. Eventually you may find you are doing a lot of the “could do” near the top, we are, but the most important thing is to just get started. You deserve to be healthy. Don’t get stuck in a loop of waiting. Start now!
Thank you, my friends. Bill