How Do you Eat Keto at Burger King?

keto at burger king

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on February 11, 2024

I’ve been trying to do a restaurant guide for Burger King for 2 days.  Numerous times, I have gotten frustrated and walked away.  So, can Burger King be keto friendly?  The short answer is…maybe????  But answering the question of how you eat keto at Burger King is not as easy as it should be.

Keto at Burger King Compared to Others

While other fast-food restaurants have worked hard to make their information easy to find and calculate, Burger King has a set PDF that gives their information if you get everything on their menu the way they have it.  There is no customizing their menu and finding the nutritional information from there.  When I went to their website, I could click on the burger I wanted (i.e. the whopper) and it gave me the nutritional information, but I could not find anywhere to change the ingredients. 

I went into their menu and clicked on the Whopper as if I was going to order online.  It had me check the availability of the item.  I clicked on that and it asked me for my address.  I typed that in, and it listed my Burger King, but wouldn’t let me do anything further unless I created an account.  So, in summary, their online presence is not user friendly, to say the least. A frustrating experience would have had me heading to their competitors just for spite!

If you Like Puzzles You Can Figure Out How to Eat Keto at Burger King

But, I was dedicated to finding out information for you loyal followers, so I kept researching.  I looked online for the nutritional information on a Whopper with Cheese, no bun.  A Whopper with cheese usually includes tomato, lettuce, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, pickles and onions.  Surely someone with more connections than me found the information?  Well, they found some information, but I’m not sure which information is correct because none of them matched!  Here are the websites I looked at and what they said for a Whopper with cheese, no bun:

No Bun Please – 1 gram of net carbs

Insider – 7 grams of net carbs

My Fitness Pal – 4 grams of net carbs

Fat Secret – 8 grams of net carbs


keto at burger king

Koopa wants us to wake her when we figure out the nutritional info!

Let’s Try Something Different

I decided to take another approach. How many carbs are in a Whopper bun?  Again, chaos.  My Fitness Pal had the bun listed at 45 net grams of carbs.  Nutrionix had it listed at 41 net grams of carbs.  Well, I went with My Fitness Pal, simply because that’s the app I used when I first started keto. 

A Whopper with cheese is listed on Burger King’s PDF page as having 48 net grams of carbs.  If I take away the 45 net grams from the bun, I’m left with 3 grams of net carbs.  That isn’t even one of the options from the list I got above!

Burger King does have some of their toppings and sauces listed on the nutritional page, so I looked at that.  Their cheese has 1 gram of carbs.  A packet of their ketchup has 3 grams of net carbs.  Their mayonnaise has 1 gram of net carbs.  If you consider that the slices of tomato, onion, pickle and bit of lettuce probably has a couple of carbs,

Eating Keto at Burger King Can Be About Estimations

I would estimate that a Whopper with Cheese with no bun but everything else on it has closer to the 7 grams of net carbs that Insider had listed.  If you take away the ketchup, which most of us keto people do, that would be closer to the 4 grams of net carbs that My Fitness Pal lists.

There was one thing on the PDF page of nutritional information that I did find I could eat and know what I was getting.  Their garden salad with no dressing has 2 net grams of carbs.  Their ranch dressing has 2 grams of net carbs.  So, if you’re a stickler for numbers, I would go with that and take the 4 grams of carbs hit.  At least you know what you are getting into.  Just don’t get the Lite Honey Balsamic Vinaigrette – it has 14 grams of net carbs in a serving!  

Oh Burger King… Why?

I’m not trying to put down Burger King.  I went into this truly wanting to get the information out there because some people really like their burgers.  But dudes, you need to make your stuff easier to find and more user friendly.  Many people now have nutritional requirements and restrictions.  If we can’t find your numbers, we won’t be eating at your establishments.  


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