We were so excited to go on vacation to Mexico! Avocados grown in Mexico make up about 84% of those imported into the United States. Avocados on keto are pretty much considered miraculous food. Low in carbs, high in fat and fiber – they are just about perfect. So we expected to have avocados and guacamole with every meal!
Why Avocados on Keto are Important
Avocados are an incredible source of healthy fats. Even nutritionists who hate keto suggest eating them with a balanced diet based on whole grains. A half of a medium avocado has 120 calories, 11 grams of fat, 2 grams of net carbs, and 2 grams of protein. On a macros level, that’s pretty amazing. Not to mention the many vitamins and minerals they provide. Some call them nature’s butter.
Avocados are a staple in our house, but we have to buy them imported – mostly from Mexico, of course. Not too many avocados trees live in Canada. So the thought of locally grown avocados while on vacation seemed like a great option. Except…we couldn’t find any.
The Exporting of Avocados
With the growing popularity of avocados, Mexico is exporting more and more of what is grown. We ate at a buffet and other restaurants on the resort – nothing. We ate at places off resort in Playa del Carmen. No avocados. Not one avocado or bowl of guacamole in sight! There was one evening they had a small offering of sliced avocados and we piled our plates!

There are more and more farmers growing and harvesting avocados, and it turns out that’s a bit of a problem. It takes four years for a tree to produce them, so farmers are planting them quickly and in huge amounts. The land they are using is rich with nutrients and other diverse growth, so that’s the land they are using. Farmers are getting rid of all crops except avocados. That’s not great for the soil or the environment. `
The Ethics of Avocados on Keto
Is it due to the popularity of keto that avocados are taking over? I’m sure it doesn’t help. But we aren’t the only ones singing their praises. They are enjoying a huge surge in popularity right now. That’s great for farmers who are cashing in (when organized crime doesn’t take over the farms). It’s not so great for the environment.
So, what do we do? Do we stop eating them? They’re delicious and little fat gems. Maybe instead we put some pressure on the governments to ensure farmers are using environmentally friendly practices. Maybe we ensure companies in Canada and the United States are following fair trade practices. It may mean a few extra dollars for us who buy them, but maybe that’s the price we pay for sustainable food.
Read About Avocados on Keto in Our New Magazine
The first of April we are releasing our second Keto Magazine. The first one was all about eating keto on a budget, and it has been very popular. So, thank you! This magazine is about farm-to-table eating and how you can do that while on keto. One of the feature articles is all about avocado farming and the environmental effects happening in Mexico. So, check out our current magazine and keep an eye out for our new one landing April 1st on Amazon!