What’s the first thing we learn as children? Our ABC’s. So, we thought it would be a fun idea to do the ABC’s of keto! This blog series looks at some of the main ideas and the not-so-main ideas of keto as we work our way through the alphabet. Today’s blog is U: Unprocessed Food.
What is Unprocessed Food?
Unprocessed food is also sometimes called whole food. It’s food that is largely unaltered before you eat it. No additives, no preservatives, just buy and eat. Cooked foods are considered okay, as long as you don’t alter the food too much – like deep frying it. Some unprocessed food include meat (that isn’t processed like deli meats or hot dogs), seafood, fruit, vegetables, beans, nuts, eggs, and herbs and spices.
The Unprocessed Food Diet
On this diet, you simply don’t eat foods that are processed. Sounds simple, right? Well, like all diets, there are different levels of extremism. All levels of this diet mean you don’t have packaged foods like cookies, fast food, and boxed or frozen meals. Basically, you are looking for food that lists the original food first and foremost on the label with very few other ingredients. But, everyone has a different idea of what is okay and not okay when following this way of eating.
Defining Unprocessed Food
The website Greatist outlines the definitions for this way of eating really well. The unprocessed food definition is simple and is outlined above. Then there is minimally unprocessed food. The food is slightly changed to preserve it. It might include the processes of fermentation (pickling), grinding (like hummus) and pasteurizing dairy and eggs. Most people following the unprocessed food diet allow this level of altering foods.
Then there are processed ingredients. This is alterations that happen to food to make them into something we eat. It could include pressing, milling, or refining foods. Think oil and flour. You can’t just plunk an almond into your flatbread recipe and call it good. It needs to be milled so it can be used in your recipes. Some people following the unprocessed food diet think this is okay, and some purists do not. This one is up to you.
The Processed Alternatives
Processed foods are those that have added salt, sugar, and/or fat to them. There are usually at least 2 to 3 additional ingredients listed on the label to the original food. Think canned green beans versus frozen green beans. The frozen beans we buy have just one ingredient – beans. Canned beans can be okay, but you need to check the ingredients list. They will always at least have three ingredients – beans, water, and salt.

Finally, there is the ultra processed food. These are foods you can usually eat right out of the package without preparing them. They have added ingredients to increase the flavour, increase shelf life, and preserve the texture. Usually they are low in fiber and high in carbs. It would be things like packaged cookies, candy, deli meats, or soda. Oh, and breakfast cereals. I recently did a blog on the Kellogg’s CEO stating that cereal for breakfast is a viable, affordable option. You can see how I feel about that statement on this ultra processed food.
What Our Diet Consists Of
So, why is there this push of unprocessed food by health professionals? According to research done in 2018, up to 60% of the calories we take in consist of ultra processed food. This is linked to numerous health conditions and concerns. Probably the number one factor is obesity.
Bill always says that he didn’t gain weight by eating broccoli. It’s true. We gained weight because we ate chips, drank soda, and regularly had Kraft Dinner and hotdogs for dinner. Even now, when we notice our weight creeping back up, it’s because we are following dirty keto rules and taking in sugar alcohols and using shortcuts like keto-friendly bread and wraps. In moderation, these things are great for keeping us relatively on track. But over time, they take over our lives and become our go-to. That’s when we stop seeing the benefits of keto.
Can You Eat Unprocessed Food on Keto?
Speaking of keto, you absolutely can (and should) eat unprocessed food! Most ultra processed food is high in carbs and low in nutrients. On keto, the goal should be to use your allotted carbs to get those essential vitamins and nutrients available in fresh berries and vegetables. Other than processed meat, the keto diet is really based on eating unprocessed food. So, be aware of the deli meats (like pepperoni and even, yes, bacon). If you follow a strict keto diet, you will also be following an unprocessed food diet.
So, enjoy your fresh vegetables, your dairy, and your nuts without guilt. These unprocessed foods are good for you and easily fit into your keto diet. They are good for you, and they help you feel energetic and healthy.