A Day to Eliminate Racism

eliminate racism

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on March 21, 2023


March 21st is the day to eliminate racism. It is a day recognized every year. The intent is to acknowledge the injustices and prejudices fueled by racial discrimination that takes place every day. It is in remembrance of the day in Sharpeville, South Africa when police opened fire and killed 69 peaceful protesters. They were protesting a lack of laws that protected them against the apartheid.

Why Is There a Day to Eliminate Racism in Canada?

Well, because we need a reminder once in a while that we are far from perfect when it comes to racial divides. Recently, our New Democratic Party leader, Jagmeet Singh was questioning grocery chain CEO’s about the cost of food. Mr. Singh is Sikh and was wearing a yellow turban. A columnist for the Toronto Sun, a well-known newspaper and online news source, tweeted, “Looks like he wore his No Name turban today.”

Many people felt offended and called the tweet racist. Instead of listening to the concerns, the columnist doubled down and insisted that his comments were not racist. Finally, after 6 tweets, the Toronto Sun took down the original tweet.

Was it racist? Mr. Singh has said in the past that he is commonly told to take off his turban so he “looks like a Canadian.” A turban is a religious garment. To call attention to that is not great. To make it about that instead of about his questions is not great. Some people found it racist. Others felt upset that the Toronto Sun was “bowing to the woke mob.”

eliminate racism
Link just wants to hug everyone!

Are We Too Sensitive?

Some people say we are too sensitive. Those people tend to be people with white skin who are of European descent. Those of us who are sensitive to racist remarks are often called “snowflakes” or the “woke mob.” As a white woman, I know I don’t understand what it is like to have people look down on me because of the colour of my skin. I don’t get stopped in the street when I’m walking by police to do an identification check – in fact it was only recently that I realized that ever happens.

Here’s my thoughts on the tweet from the Toronto Sun columnist. If the comment could discourage a child from politics because they don’t want nasty tweets about their religion, it’s not okay. If the comment focuses on someone’s religion, rather than the change they are trying to make, that’s not ok. When a comment singles someone out as different or “other than,” it is not okay.

For a trained columnist to put this on a social media platform is outrageous to me. And to argue about it for 6 tweets is completely unacceptable. Everyone makes mistakes. So, recognize your mistake, learn from it, and do better.

How Can We Eliminate Racism

Firstly, recognize that it happens. Talk to people who experience and listen to their stories. Don’t dismiss it. When traffic stops become life and death because of the colour of your skin, that is very real – too real!

At my work, we support adults who have intellectual disabilities. We have a saying in this field that we are a microphone, not the voice. That means that we support people who are advocates for equality. We can’t be the voice, because it’s not our experience. So, we simply support the voice and make it loud and clear for everyone to hear. If you are white, this is not your fight to lead. Be a part of the solutions and follow the lead of the advocates.

Lastly, don’t just let comments go. If someone tells a racist joke, let them know it isn’t funny. If someone calls someone a racist name, tell them you are not okay with that. Sure, they may call me a snowflake, but that’s not going to kill me. Racism, on the other hand, kills.

Celebrate the Day to Eliminate Racism

How do we celebrate? Well, talk about today and why it is important. It has nothing to do with keto, but we are taking today’s blog to talk about it because it is important. If there is a rally or a service in your area, attend it. Mostly, take time today to learn. Educate yourself and recognize it is not a historical problem – it is a now problem.

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