A Keto Shrimp Recipe to Celebrate National Shrimp Day

Celebrate Shrimp Day on Keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on May 10, 2022

It’s National Shrimp Day so it’s time for a keto shrimp recipe. According to National Calendar Day, Americans eat more shrimp than any other seafood. It’s not a trend I understand. I live in the Maritime provinces of Canada, and I enjoy seafood. I love lobster, most fish, and scallops. But shrimp is not my thing. However, it can be fit easily into a keto lifestyle, so this blog is for you the readers. Apparently it doesn’t always have to be all about me.

I didn’t actually try shrimp for many years. I was intimidated with it. It’s hard to know how to prepare it. Do you clean it? Do you shell it? Do you de-vein it? You can buy it already cleaned, shelled and ready to go. However, if you are okay with cleaning fish, you may want to save a few bucks and do it yourself. In that case, you remove the head, peel off the thin shell from the body, and shimmy off the shell on the tail. There is the digestive tract in the middle of the back that you can cut into and take out. This is called de-veining. It’s all a little much for me, who used to be a vegetarian, but others aren’t as sensitive.

Shrimp can be a good protein option for keto people, as long as it is not breaded. In 3 ounces, there are 84 calories, 20 grams of protein and less than 1 gram of both carbs and fat. You have to pair it with something that has more fat (such as a sauce) to keep your macros balanced.

Koopa looking for her Keto Shrimp Recipe of Scampi
Koopa looking through her gifts for Shrimp!

So, for those of you who enjoy shrimp, here is a recipe for keto-friendly shrimp scampi.

Keto Shrimp Recipe: Shrimp Scampi


  • 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
  • 4 Cloves Minced Garlic
  • ¼ cup Chicken Broth
  • ¼ cup Butter
  • 2 Tbsp. Lemon Juice
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste
  • 1 tsp. Onion Powder
  • 1 pound Sauteed Shrimp


  • Make the sauce in the same pan as you cooked the shrimp. Put in the olive oil with the garlic and cook until browned.
  • Add the broth and cook until the liquid is reduced by half.
  • Add the butter, lemon juice and seasoning. Cook for about 4 more minutes. Stir occasionally so it doesn’t burn.
  • Add the shrimp and mix together well.
  • Put the mixture over cooked zucchini noodles.

Makes 4 servings
Per Serving (does not include zucchini noodles) = 31% fat, 1% carbs, 68% protein

No one seems really sure why people started celebrating shrimp day, but most people say, “why not?” If you like shrimp, enjoy a shrimp-y meal. It can certainly fit into your keto lifestyle!


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