A New Keto Magazine for New Year’s

costs of keto

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on January 2, 2024

Bill and I have been working night and day on this new keto magazine.  We have partnered with Amazon to publish 4 magazines this year – one a quarter.  We used to buy magazines all the time for their recipes and their information.  But, the magazines were expensive and they were usually geared towards people who were just starting keto.  How many times can you pay to read about the proper keto macros?  We thought we could do better, so here we are!

Our Keto Magazine is Here

It’s finally here!  Happy holidays to us – and to you!   This first magazine is all about doing keto on a budget.  The cost of food has skyrocketed since COVID hit in 2020.  What used to cost us $100 now costs double that.  We go get groceries and carry out $100 of food in one bag (reuseable, of course).  It’s over the top.

We know that poor health costs us as a society.  Filling up on carbs and sugar is a cheaper way to eat – until it catches up to you.  Once you start medication for type 2 diabetes, or heart medication, or spend a week in the hospital, it’s no longer worth it – financially or physically.  If you invest in your health, it will certainly pay off in the end.

How to Do Keto Cheaply

This magazine looks at how to do keto cheaper than you may have thought possible.  In the next series of blogs, we’ll talk about a few of the articles.  But, as a teaser, know that it is not just for keto beginners.  We also cater to keto people who have done this for a while.  Oh, and of course there are recipes too.  We have a total of 35 recipes in there and none of them feature T-bone steaks that will destroy your wallet.

keto magazine
Good keto food doesn’t have to be expensive!

The articles in this keto magazine focus on doing keto on the cheap. It includes information on cheaper cuts of meat, the rising cost of sweeteners, and the defense of grocery CEO’s on the rising costs of food.  It also includes two feature articles. One feature compares the costs of keto with other ways of eating.  The other feature is on the real costs of sugar – physical, emotional, mental, as well as financial.

A Keto Magazine In Time For New Years

We know that many people turn to new ways of eating in the New Year.  The whole “new year, new you” idea.  So, we wanted some more in-depth information for those who are looking to keto in order to reach their health goals.  Now, we don’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions – we’ve made and broken many of those diet goals in the past.  But, whatever gets you motivated to start is great.  Hopefully this magazine will give you some ideas on what to eat, and how to make it sustainable.

Like I mentioned, keto magazines tend to cater to people who are just starting keto.  Bill and I want to continue to learn and grow as research on keto evolves.  We weren’t finding that in the current media.  So, we decided to do our own thing and see if there are others out there like us who want more than the keto basics.  

The Next Keto Magazine Coming

We hope you enjoy this one and decide to also get our next magazine, due out in April.  The next magazine is on farm-to-table keto.  Farm-to-table is a relatively new concept with old roots.  It’s about taking out the middle person and getting your food directly from the source.  You would think this would be cheaper, but is it?  We’ll take a look at this way of eating and how you can make it work with keto.  It will be out just in time for planting a garden of your own!


Make Sure to Read…

W is For The Way of Eating Diet

W is For The Way of Eating Diet

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V is For A Very Low Calorie Diet

V is For A Very Low Calorie Diet

What’s the first thing we learn as children?  Our ABC’s.  So, we thought it would be a fun idea to do the...

U is For Unprocessed Food

U is For Unprocessed Food

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