What’s the first thing we learn as children? Our ABC’s. So, we thought it would be a fun idea to do the ABC’s of keto! This blog series looks at some of the main ideas and the not-so-main ideas of keto as we work our way through the alphabet. The next one in our series is: B is for bacon on keto.
Background on Bacon
Bacon is the side of a pig that is people process by curing and smoking it. It has been a part of our daily lives since the 12th century! But, even before that, there is evidence that humans were eating bacon. In 1500 B.C.E. the Chinese began salting and curing pork.
Once people started roaming the world, this delicacy spread quickly. The Greeks and the Romans realized the deliciousness of bacon, and as they dominated the world, they took bacon with them. It spread to England, France, Germany, and finally, the “new world.”
Bacon came to the United States in the mid 1500’s. The Spanish brought 13 domesticated pigs on their voyage. Well, one thing led to another, and in three years, the pig population exploded to nearly 700 in America. Bacon has always been popular because it did not require refrigeration. That was helpful for populations who didn’t have access to ice and freezing temperatures.
What we eat today was actually patented by Oscar Mayer in 1924. It’s delicious, salty taste is a staple in our homes, and we eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner – especially those of us on keto. But, should we?
Pros and Cons of Bacon on Keto
A slice of bacon can have various levels of calories, carbs, and fat. It really depends how they cure it. Some companies use sugar in their process, so that’s going to give you a carb or two. We tend to buy our bacon from Costco. Their Kirkland brand of precooked bacon is great and a huge time saver in the mornings. Two slices have 80 calories, 5 grams of fat, no carbs, and 6 grams of protein.
So, firstly, what are the good parts of bacon? Bacon is a red meat, which gives you nutrients you cannot get from white meats. It has lots of vitamins, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Now, admittedly, you can get those nutrients from red meats that are not processed which would be healthier for you overall.
Also, bacon is delicious. Have you had bacon? The salty crispness is so good on burgers, in casseroles, or just on its own. I think most of us can agree that the taste of bacon is a huge pro!

Is Bacon on Keto Healthy? It Depends.
A couple of the downsides of bacon are a big deal if you are eating a lot of other processed foods, but not such a big deal if you are on keto. Bacon is a good source of salt. On keto, we don’t get the high levels of salt that people on the standard American diet get.
Food processors put salt in canned and packaged goods to give it a longer shelf life and promote taste. On keto, we don’t eat those things (which are usually filled with carbs) so we don’t go over the recommended salt intake guidelines, even with bacon.
The other fact that can be good or bad is that bacon is high in fat. On keto, that’s what we want because we use fat for energy. But, if you are also eating carbs for energy that can be a recipe for weight gain and health issues. You can’t have a diet both high in fat and carbs – sorry. I wish it wasn’t true, but it is.
Myths and Facts of Bacon on Keto
The biggest myth around eating bacon is that it is bad for your health and will lead to heart disease. Like I said above, if you are eating a lot of carbs and a lot of fat, you will likely have health concerns. But, researchers are now acknowledging that how detrimental saturated fat is on your body depends on a lot of factors. It’s about your overall diet and lifestyle more than the fat itself.
Because bacon is so high in protein and fat, it fills you up quickly. I have one slice most weekday mornings as a side with my breakfast. It keeps me going until lunchtime. You don’t eat a lot of it in one sitting. One of the restaurants we go to has a burger with about 3 slices of bacon on it. It’s a lot. Don’t get me wrong, I scarf it down, but I’m uncomfortably full afterwards!
Is Bacon Keto?
So, as someone who is keto, do we live on bacon? We did a blog on this myth, and no, we don’t live on bacon. But, it is a good source of fat so we do eat a bit. Bacon is often seen as the evil meat – eat it and it will kill you. But, the fact is that if you are on keto, and not taking in other processed foods and high levels of salt, you’ll likely be okay. Every time I have my bloodwork done (once a year) my cholesterol levels are fine. In fact, they are more than fine, they are great.
Do you have to eat bacon on keto? No, but if you can and stay healthy, why the heck wouldn’t you???