Can you Eat Keto in Ireland?

Keto in Ireland

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on October 7, 2022

Recently, we’ve had a lot of Irish people checking out our blog. That got me thinking that, one, I want to go to Ireland, and two, there might be interest in keto there. I think it’s a win-win. Doing research about going on a trip is one of my favourite pastimes! So, let’s look at if you can eat keto in Ireland!

Obviously, Ireland is known for their potatoes and their soda bread. These are not keto options. But, they are also known for their meat and dairy. Their climate is very temperate, so they can have cattle out in a pasture for about 10 months of the year. This most certainly is keto friendly.

Eating Breakfast that is Keto in Ireland

The Irish are a hearty people who work hard and play hard. In order to do that, they advocate for a big breakfast. Their traditional Irish fry up consists of some very keto-friendly foods. The fry up has bacon, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, and eggs included. It also includes Irish potato cakes and black or white pudding, which are carbs and we would have to do without.

So, the black and white pudding is not pudding at all, but rather a sausage. It is combined with oats, which (thankfully for me) makes it not an option. I say thankfully because the black pudding is made with blood. I’m not good with that. Blood, organ meat, and bone broth are all non-starters for me, personally.

Another popular breakfast in Ireland is cured or smoked salmon with scrambled eggs. Seeing as Ireland is an island in the Atlantic ocean, it makes sense that seafood would be a staple in their culture.

Keto in Ireland
Wendy and her puns!!!!

Main Dishes that are Keto in Ireland

When you think traditional Irish food, you likely think of corned beef and cabbage. Fun fact, Irish corned beef is usually bacon. Corned beef was an English export from the United Kingdom to the United States. So, it became popular in North America, but in Ireland, they often still use bacon. You know bacon is keto! And cabbage is a good option, with only about 4 grams of net carbs in a cup.

A couple of lesser-known meat options that are available in Ireland include gammon and crubeens. Gammon is a cured meat from the leg of a pig. You can often get it with fried eggs. Crubeens are, well, pig’s feet. They are boiled to tenderness and then crisped up in an oven. If you can get past the point of eating pig feet, they say it tastes a lot like pulled pork.

Other Irish Mentionables

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the most popular drink in Ireland – whiskey! Whiskey doesn’t have any carbs, so if you mix it with something carb-free, or just take a shot of it without any mix, you are good to go. That’s handy if you are there for a party!

Irish butter is another add-on that is well known. Because the cows are grass-fed (as mentioned above), the butter has a higher fat content and really enhances the flavour of whatever you put it on. That is great on both counts for keto people.

Are there Restaurants that are Keto in Ireland?

Well, Ireland is in the 21st century, so yes, there are many restaurants you can go to that have keto options. At least, meals that you can make keto, just as we do here in Canada. There are salad-based restaurants that offer bowls that can be made keto. Just skip the beans or rice and make the base lettuce. There are burger places that can be keto if you skip the bun and the sugary condiments. Of course, there are steakhouses.

One store that came up in Dublin during my research was the Keto Your Way Store. They have many keto products, such as sweeteners and alternative flours. There were also some mixes for baked goods to try. I’m sure there are other places too, so if you live in Ireland, I’d love to hear about where you shop!

Okay, so when do we get to go to Ireland? I’m ready!


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