Married to Keto
How to Order Keto Cocktails in the Bar

How to Order Keto Cocktails in the Bar

Summer is coming, and with the warmer weather comes nights out with friends.  Sure, you can have all kinds of recipes for keto cocktails at home, but how do you get something at a bar without sounding, well, extra?  When we were in Mexico, I got tired of the...

How to Plan A Keto Wedding

How to Plan A Keto Wedding

Bill and I were married long ago – before I had ever heard of keto.  But we were watching TV one evening and the bride was obsessed with fitting into her ideal wedding dress and it made me wonder; what if we’d been doing keto when we got married?  Would we have been...

That’s Not Keto Pizza. What Now?

That’s Not Keto Pizza. What Now?

Bill went out with the boys one weekend for their Holiday party.  They had a very good time and when they went back to the hotel, the guys ordered pizza.  It wasn't keto pizza... This could have been a turning point for Bill.  Let’s just say his judgment was not at...

The Unplanned Keto Cheat Meal

The Unplanned Keto Cheat Meal

In past blogs, I’ve talked about going off-plan when you’re keto.  I’ve said that as long as you plan it, you can have a keto cheat meal knowing you will be fine.  Well, Bill and I went to Mexico last month, and I had an unexpected cheat that threw me completely off! ...

A Keto Guy with a Keto Hangover

A Keto Guy with a Keto Hangover

Given the the fact we are down in Mexico at an all inclusive resort I guess it’s time to address the stumbling elephant in the room. Booze! Or more importantly what happens after the booze. The keto hangover. It’s vacation season and chances are you are going to have...

Love Friends Trying To Understand Keto

Love Friends Trying To Understand Keto

If we all lived in a bubble, following keto would be easy.  You’d make your own choices every meal time.  But, we don’t live in a bubble.  Friends are an important part of life, so how do you navigate time with friends who aren’t keto?  How do you...

Hard Days & Nights of Keto Prep

Hard Days & Nights of Keto Prep

I’m not going to lie; I’m writing this the day before it’s due.  The last week has been difficult for our family.  Bill is working 14+ hour days and has been away for a couple of weekends.  That means my main cook is out of the building so I’ve been doing the majority...

Scale Motivation Doesn’t Last Forever

Scale Motivation Doesn’t Last Forever

We all know that seeing weight coming off is a huge motivation!  No matter what your primary reason is for doing keto, when you step on that scale each week and it keeps moving down, it motivates you to keep doing what you’re doing.  It’s easy to stay motivated...

Keto Roadblocks Just Plain Suck

Keto Roadblocks Just Plain Suck

Keto promises big results in a short amount of time.  But what if you are doing keto and you aren’t losing weight, or worse, you’re gaining weight?  Here are a few things to check to find your keto roadblocks. Keto Roadblocks #1: You are not in ketosis...

Keto Motivation for Everyone. Maybe not!

Keto Motivation for Everyone. Maybe not!

I heard a podcast the other day that tugged on my heartstrings.  Dr. Karl Goldkamp (podcast 193) talked about how he lost a friend to COVID.  The friend was obese and he had many risk factors that make COVID a deathly illness.  Dr. Goldkamp, who is a...