Married to Keto
Why Is It Awkward Ordering Keto Food?

Why Is It Awkward Ordering Keto Food?

There are some awkward moments when you are on keto. Honestly, I’ve always been a bit awkward about food. When I was overweight, I used to feel everyone was judging me when I put anything into my mouth. I thought if I was eating something healthy, they were thinking I...

Do You Have a Keto Obsession?

Do You Have a Keto Obsession?

Before I started keto, I had no idea how much crap I was taking in.  I would wake up in the morning, determined to give up sugar that day.  The next thing I knew, I’d popped a cookie into my mouth.  I didn’t even notice I was doing it.  Then I felt like a failure, and...

Three Things to Do Before Starting Keto

Three Things to Do Before Starting Keto

Seeing as we are now coming up to 3 years on keto, it’s a good time to look back and see how we should have started. For us, we found out Bill had to do keto for his health, and we just kind of jumped in with both feet. So, we watched a couple of videos and away we...

Asking for Keto Advice and Not Taking It

Asking for Keto Advice and Not Taking It

As you walk down the path to a healthier you, you’ll encounter many people along the way asking you for keto advice. That’s great and feel free to share your knowledge and experience but you need to be ready for something that will happen time and time again. They...

Using Food for Stress Equals Bad Choices

Using Food for Stress Equals Bad Choices

As some of you may know I am opening a new business in the coming months. It has created a new stress in my life as I transition from one chapter in my career to another. The new business is a passion project and a good move financially, but like anything new it comes...

Do They Want Me to Fail at Keto?

Do They Want Me to Fail at Keto?

Anyone that has started the keto lifestyle has heard the naysayers speaking out about how awful it is and the damage it does to your body. You’ve also had people close to you say you can’t maintain it, or the weight will come back. There are cases where they will make...

Keeping our Motivation on Keto This Year

Keeping our Motivation on Keto This Year

It’s that time of year again.  People set weight loss goals every New Year.  Gyms are busy, grocery stores sell out of vegetables, and three months later, we all go back to our regular lives.  Why can’t we keep our motivation and stay on track for a...

Is Self Esteem Practical or Emotional?

Is Self Esteem Practical or Emotional?

Self esteem is how you see yourself - positively or negatively.  If you have a high self esteem, you like yourself.  This includes how you feel about yourself physically and mentally / emotionally.  Can it be taught?  Is it a rational and practical...