Married to Keto
How to Eat on a Keto Road Trip

How to Eat on a Keto Road Trip

This summer, I got my motorcycle license.  I’ve gone over 5600 km since the end of May on my purple bike, Lucille.  It’s an amazing feeling, and I love it.  Being keto, though, can present a bit more of a challenge when you are on a motorcycle. ...

Do You Need Keto Diet Books

Do You Need Keto Diet Books

Keto is a more complicated way of eating than many “diets” out there. It’s more than just giving up a certain food or scheduling some exercise. You have to learn about macros - fat, carbs, and protein. Learning to read nutritional labels on the food packages is...

Tips and Tricks to Get More Fat on Keto

Tips and Tricks to Get More Fat on Keto

For beginners, getting that fat macro up is both important and very difficult. We have been taught our whole lives that fat is bad, but now you are starting an eating pattern that says the more fat the better. How do you balance that? It was a major struggle for us...

Can I have Cheat Days on Keto?

Can I have Cheat Days on Keto?

We see this question a lot. Can I have cheat days on keto? No. It’s impossible to have a cheat day on keto. Why? Because this is not a diet you can cheat on. It’s a lifestyle. You don’t cheat on a lifestyle - you just live. Well, that’s a quick post. We know what...

Dairy-Free Keto Meal Options

Dairy-Free Keto Meal Options

One of the major benefits for me starting out with keto was that I got to eat lots and lots of dairy. I am a big fan of cheese, cream, and sour cream. Dairy is a great way to up your fat. An ounce of cheese has 10 grams of fat and 1 gram of carbs in it. Cream cheese...

What Keto Snacks Can I Have?

What Keto Snacks Can I Have?

This is a hard one because we have covered the topic so many times. We’ve done Top 10’s of keto snacks, tips and tricks, and other frequently asked questions. We’ve given hints and direct examples, yet we keep getting the same question repeatedly: What keto snacks can...

How We Create Keto Meal Plans

How We Create Keto Meal Plans

You’ve decided you want to do keto. Once you’ve made that decision, the next big struggle is figuring out what to eat! You have to look at macros – your fat, carbs, and proteins. Do you count calories? I did two weeks of counting calories on keto recently, but many...

Shopping for Keto Groceries

Shopping for Keto Groceries

Full disclosure - I hate grocery shopping. I don’t find it fun, it’s expensive, and there are constant lines. However, I do enjoy eating, so it’s a necessary evil. We’ve found a few ways to make it a little less of a chore, so we decided to do a blog on shopping for...

Finding the Right Keto Support Online

Finding the Right Keto Support Online

It’s #SocialMediaDay and we are all about sharing our information and goals on social media!  We promote our blogs, we have our #ketocats cartoons and pictures, and most of all, we help people find keto support online. What is #SocialMediaDay According to...

Keto Helped Me Lose the Weight, But What Now?

Keto Helped Me Lose the Weight, But What Now?

So, I sit here two years after starting keto. I’ve lost 165-pounds, improved my health, and literally changed my life. Keto helped me lose the weight, but with that goal being a driving force in my life for the last 24 months what do I do now? Each and everyday I...