Celebrate Her On Mother-in-Law Day

Mother-in-Law Day

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on October 25, 2022

Last Sunday was Mother-in-Law day. Now, many people joke about a mother-in-law being nosy, interfering, and pushy. I feel badly for those people. My mother-in-law is an incredible lady, and I would be remiss if I didn’t take every opportunity to celebrate her. So, today’s blog is all about celebrating Kathy for Mother-in-Law day.

Before She was My Mother-in-Law

The first time I met Kathy, she was working. Bill took me in to introduce us. I was so incredibly nervous – in fact my legs were literally shaking. Why? Well, because the bond between a mother and son is special. I figured that Bill was pretty special, so she must be too! The other reason was that Bill and I had only been dating for about 6 months, and we were moving to Ontario together later that month. I didn’t need to worry. Kathy welcomed me with open arms.

Then, we had our beautiful, perfect daughter, Julia. Kathy and her mom came up to see the baby and we bonded a deep, unforgettable, unshakeable bond. I brought Julia back to Nova Scotia for a visit during my 6 month maternity leave, and spent about 5 days with Bill’s family. They welcomed us as a part of the family.

Getting to Know Her Enough to Celebrate Mother-in-Law Day

We moved back to Nova Scotia to raise our daughter. It wasn’t long before Bill’s dad passed away, and we all had to deal with that blow. Kathy was alone in their house. She had given up her career to look after Bill’s dad when he fell ill. She had knee surgery, and her mobility was not great. We worried about her constantly, although she constantly told us she was okay. She doesn’t drive, so she was pretty isolated. Bill and I talked and I suggested that since we had an extra room, we should invite her to live with us. She agreed, and that was when I truly got to know her.

Mother-in-Law Day
Kathy… Before & After

I Didn’t Think I Could Appreciate Her More

Kathy always tried to do work for us around the house. She is an excellent cook, so she would make suppers for us and have them ready when we got home from work. At that time, she had a hard time going up and down our stairs to get in and out of the house, so she spent most of the winters at home. She spends the summer in a seasonal campground with lots of people around, but even with us, she was pretty isolated.

Bill and I started keto in 2021. Kathy told us many times that she could never do that – she loved carbs too much. But, the more we experienced success, the more she considered it. Finally, she made up her mind that she wanted a change and she went for it. There has been no stopping her since!

She has lost an incredible amount of weight in a relatively short period of time. But, more than that is her attitude and motivation. Kathy walks constantly! We live in a small town, and she constantly walks to the stores that are several kilometers away. I get home from work now, and she is still out and about. The stairs that used to kill her knees? No problem! Last spring, we had wood delivered and had to store it in the basement for the next winter. She outdid me, no questions asked!

Celebrating Kathy on Mother-in-Law Day

I am so proud to have this woman as my mother-in-law. She is truly an inspiration to me in so many ways. She has embraced the keto lifestyle, and is enjoying the energy it provides. More than that, she is taking that energy and putting it to building her strength and keeping her motivated. She has a Fitbit, and she strives to do 10,000 steps each day. Most days, she meets that goal and goes beyond.

Happy Mother-in-Law Day, Kathy! I am truly honoured to have you in my life, and my family, and a part of our home.


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