Celebrate Visit the Zoo Day

Visit the Zoo

Written by Wendy Knowlton

As an avid writer Wendy will hold down the bulk of the daily blogs on Married to Keto. Her favorites to share are Tips and Tricks, Top 10's and In the News.

Posted on December 27, 2022

December 27th is Visit the Zoo Day, according to National Today.  If you follow us on social media, you know that our #ketocats are a highlight of our days.  I have always loved animals.  Cats, dogs, horses…pretty much anything with fur.  Snakes are a little scary, but I have a healthy respect for them.  I’d like to keep away from spiders, but other than that, I like most of the other inhibitors of this earth.  

A History of the Zoo

In the old days, rich and powerful people kept what was called a menagerie – a private collection of animals.  This was done as far back as 3500 B.C. in Egypt.  But, the first public zoo was opened in Paris in 1793.  Not to be outdone, London opened its zoo in 1828.  Before that, they had a menagerie held at the Tower of London, which had animals such as eagles, wild cats, a polar bear, an elephant, monkeys, zebras, and snakes.  Some people were allowed in to see them, but you might not come out alive!  They weren’t big on safety regulations back then.

Visit the Zoo in December?

So, if you live in a place like Florida, this could work.  My favourite Disney park is Animal Kingdom.  I know, I’m weird.  There is nothing like seeing that castle for the first time in a long time at Magic Kingdom, but I’m always so excited for the day we go to Animal Kingdom.  Disney hasn’t always had a stellar reputation with animals, but they have worked hard to change that as times changed.  Now, if you are on the African Safari adventure and giraffes happen to get into the middle of the road, the people wait.  I love that!  

Disney Animal Kingdom has a great area for animals.  It feels like you are immersed into their environment.  If you see the silverback gorillas, you know that they are examining you as much as you are watching them!  The animals have room to roam and be, well, natural.  Disney does coax the animals into the viewing areas by using food and toys they enjoy, but if you don’t see an animal because they aren’t feeling it that day, too bad for you.

Visit the Zoo
Our little panther!

Not to be outdone, is Epcot The Seas.  The last time we went to Disney, I did the dolphin experience.  It was amazing!  They are very clear that the dolphins decide how much and whether they interact with you humans, and that just makes it more special when they choose to interact with you.  This experience also included information about the research and rehabilitation they do with the sea creatures.  I spent the rest of the day driving Bill and Julia crazy with dolphin facts!

Celebrate Visit the Zoo Day in Other Areas

So, I live in Nova Scotia, Canada.  Our zoos are not open to the public on December 27th.  But, there are other ways to celebrate.  One way is to donate your Christmas tree to a zoo.  We have a rehabilitation centre in our province called Hope for Wildlife, and they use old Christmas trees for their animals to climb and enjoy.  You’re done with the trees and they can enjoy them.  It’s a win-win!  We also get one of their calendars every year as a present from my sister.  All the money goes to the care of animals.  They aren’t open to the public in the winter, but they are still caring for them.

There is also a constant need for donations.  About 20 minutes away from our house is a place called Oaklawn Zoo.  They have lions, bears, llamas, and monkeys.  It’s such an amazing place to spend a day.  They are all animals who need to be rehabilitated and can’t be released.  Several of the lions the woman raised by hand in her house before they moved into the main enclosure with the others.  I love that place, and we try to get there at least once every year!

Visit the Zoo in your Area

Most zoos today are created for good.  They are also rehabilitation centres and they provide a safe space for animals who would otherwise not survive in the wild.  But, definitely do a little research before heading out to support one.  Make sure they aren’t just a place that puts animals on exhibit for money.  

If you live where you can visit a zoo today, go and enjoy.  If not, plan your trip for the spring or send them a donation.  Most websites also have information sheets on the animals they support, so learn a little on the way.  Our #ketocats certainly approve!


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